
This is how I felt about the Tinder Swindler except those women weren't rich. But damn did they show how greed can blind a person and make them ignore a mountain of red flags. Even if everything he told them was true, why would you want to be involved with a person who had dangerous enemies? Because you want to live

20 year olds are very delusional about what their children and grandchildren will find cool. I once had a young colleague who boasted that she’d impress her future children by rapping along to songs on the radio. She really thought a middle aged white lady rapping along to 20 year old songs in the car would blow her

Lol what? You do this also in every European country I’ve been to. I’m Polish, grew up in New England, and we have a basket of guest slippers in various sizes by the door for guests to use. You don’t have to wear them but you’re def not allowed to wear shoes in the house. This goes even for parties.

I agree! Why not put forward a slate entirely made up of black women and just dare someone to say something?

Seriously. How is this still not fixed?

And I can counter your personal anecdote with my own personal anecdote that every Asian man I have ever met has told me black women are unattractive. So where does that leave us?

Oh I’m not saying that at all, I’m just saying his logic is broken. White supremacy has long ‘feminized’ Aisan men and ‘masculinzed’ black women but there aren’t entire online communities of black women dedicated to harassing black men who date outside their race. Clearly, they have better things to do. It's a deep

You say if Asian women won’t date Asian men, then Asian men are left with no one to date but that’s a self imposed limitation. If Asian men could stop being racist for one second, they could date black women, a demographic that is also deeply marginalized in the dating sphere.

There’s an Olympics next month? In Beijing again?

Weight Watchers is trash!!! Don't waste your time or your money. For the love of God Jezebel do better!

Weight Watchers is trash!!! Don't waste your time or your money. For the love of God Jezebel do better!

I know, right? Wtf

I know, right? Wtf

Are we sure this isn’t just a weird algorithm thing? I sell glass beads for jewelry making and Facebook is always flagging some items as adult content when there is no way that could even remotely be interpreted. Some beads are also flagged as firearms and some as currency. All I have to do is ask for a review and

Didn’t seem to work for Helena Bonham Carter and Tim Burton. Didn't they have two houses connected by a corridor? Still divorced.

Biased. You can't be bias. You can have a bias or you can be biased.

Murder is ok in MCU as long as you're not doing it because you're sad that your family died.

I always assumed that it wasn’t really the killing but the brutality of the killing that made everyone uncomfortable in that it was clear he was doing it for emotional reasons and just going ham. They were concerned about his psychological state, not upset that he took down a whole cartel. I think that’s why they were

Am I the only one confused by the introduction of pizza dog? Like why is there a stray one eye dog in front of a big fancy hotel that’s hosting a gala? I don't think I've ever seen a stray dog in Manhattan. There’s also that weird moment when Kate starts talking to the dog and this weird “magical Disney” music plays.