

A loaded burrito has way more calories than a hamburger or cheeseburger, even with fries--that sour cream, guac, cheese, extra meat and rice have tons of carbs and calories. 

I like watching people play games that I know I’ll never play. Also, with some games, the play is almost like a movie, and is edited to be entertaining.

This. A lot of kids apply to the great, but huge schools that can have their pick. I applied to a good school that I knew ‘wanted’ me (Macalester—I’m sure your Carleton sibling has heard of it ;-)), got in, and it was cheaper than the public school in my state because of scholarships.

IDK about him, but my pocketbook is! :-)

Here we have CW-1 creating a fake athletic profile for a USC basketball recruit in which a 5-foot-5 kid is brazenly listed at 6-foot-1:

I used to work for a national company that sold ‘college admission’ packages where you could pay for someone to coach you. A lot of the counselors worked on the side, and they made money filling out apps and writing essays. The kid would write some bullshit, the counselor would ‘correct it’, and tell the kid to turn

This is interesting. My fiance and son are hot sleepers, even under A/C , and we are having trouble finding a mattress that works for the both of us (son has his own bed but sometimes finds his way into ours). I’d actually be ok with just his side having this pad since I don’t need it. 

This is interesting. My fiance and son are hot sleepers, even under A/C , and we are having trouble finding a

Maybe use a waterproof mattress cover? I don’t know how truly waterproof they are--pee/drinks are one thing, but how much water runs through these things.

Maybe use a waterproof mattress cover? I don’t know how truly waterproof they are--pee/drinks are one thing, but how

Yeah, she wasn’t using an android, and it was AT&T, so it might have been a carrier issue too. She has an android now, and unlimited data so it’s not an issue anymore, but for a while everyone thought she was ignoring them :-)

Longer texts might end up being MMS, which can (not sure if always does) use the data plan. Found this out when my mother turned data off on her phone (at the time she had an older phone and plan) and wasn’t getting some texts messages and picture messages. The weird thing was the picture and texts didn’t count

I did like some of their plus sized stuff, and their accessory section was nice.

Yes..I don’t shop there for produce because of that—I don’t like my produce being chosen for me.

I’ve never shopped at a place where you COULDN’T rip off as many bananas as you wanted. i only buy two or three at a time because I can’t stand when they start to turn.

I think having just sex with someone significantly older/younger is one thing....carrying on a whole relationship is another.

Ugh, I hate that apartments do hard inquiries—can’t they get the info they need from a soft one? It’s not quite the same as a credit card or a new car loan. 

I think it’s a credit union thing. I’ve received credit limit increases because I’ve requested them on certain cards and never had inquiries, but when I requested one from Navy Federal, there was a hard inquiry made

I also keep disinfectant wipes in my bag....if I was out of sanitizer or if I got actual poop on my hands....I used one of those (yes, I know they aren’t supposed to be used on skin but I’d rather die than know I have shit on my hand)

Yes, let me TRY to build a sink on the side of the road or the middle of a park.

If the baby is crying the entire flight, eventually it becomes a solid noise....I think it’s worse when adults talk loudly.