
Her parents could have told her ‘college is taken care of’ while not explaining that meant loans, not a savings account or even pay-as-you-go. She should definitely try to help pay them back, but a lot of folks aren’t that transparent with their kids about what they can actually afford. 

I thought it was for the hair product company as well, but to me that made  even LESS sense

Yeah, I’m not a fan of making rice in the IP because that means I have to wait for one to be done. I make the meat in the pot and the rice on the stove.

The buttons are just presets, they don’t really do anything magical. 

You know handicapped stalls aren’t just for folks in wheelchairs, right? 

Oh, I like the separate area. If your kid poops his pants, sometimes it takes two of you to clean up, but when I see a toilet, I have to go too...but I’m pee shy lol. I can pee in front of the kid, but literally no one else. 

I think with a child it would probably be easier to go in the mens room, but sort of related, what happens when you have an adult of the opposite sex that requires assistance?

My fiance was too!

I didn’t mind working Xmas morning when I worked retail before kids. Slow business, holiday pay AND I got out of christmas chores because I had to work.

Ankle infinity scarves.

A city being diverse doesn’t mean social groups have to be.

You know you can get a bag of small unwrapped ones right?

Also, my fiance is 8? years older than his sister and 10 older than his brother. I think it’s bad parenting, but that’s a difference where you’re tempted to give an older kid the ‘responsibility’ of his or her younger siblings. Not fair at all. 

four years seemed too far apart and would echo down through their school terms

...I was just thinking that. He’s 2 and a half, almost 3. My mental state is the worst it’s ever been and depression is increasing.

Designated sober people are necessary! Or at least someone not completely blasted.

He must have had priority boarding

If you’re going to Trader Joe’s anyway, pick up a jar of 21 Seasoning salute. It’s amazing AND no salt (big plus in my house). 

Reverse French.

Just work and weddings for me.