
Nope. I grew up with (and my folks still have) a chest freezer and I HATE them. I never want to dig through layers of stuff to find next week’s dinner.

What does her friends being single have to do with ...well anything? Single folks have loans too, and no one to split the cost with.

I LOVE canned salmon. Skin and bones and all. My quick go to dish is salmon fried up with some onions and peppers and spices served over rice or grits.

Same here. Dry beans are great if I have a plan for them. Canned is a quick meal addition.

How are the last 2 (well, mostly the 2nd to last) tangled up into grocery costs? I understand people can shop for everything at say Walmart, but how often are you buying auto stuff?

I think Chris H.’s statement is much better ;-)

I feel bad for autistic people—hearing that someone would rather their child be dead than be like you can’t be easy.

If you’re surprised California didn’t make the list

We have a 60/40 split sink and use a tub. I will always use one!

I legit had no idea that people didn’t know about tubs. I knew everyone doesn’t use them, but I thought people knew about them.

My issue now is ‘high rent with shit no one needs and i can’t afford’ and ‘low income to moderate income units that I either make way too much to qualify for or there are like 2 in a development that have already been rented before ground was even broken’

I’m going to call my insurance to see what the deal is—one of my financial fears is having a huge medical debt because I got sick while out of town.

Hm. I always thought that emergency surgery at an out of network hospital would be covered, but maybe not the stay....but it’s not like you can move after your abdomen has been sliced open....

Always busy, Bourdain was working when he died, his body found by his friend and frequent Parts Unknown guest star Eric Ripert.

II Honestly thought it was cancer or liver disease or something. Not shocked that it was suicide but was really expecting something else.

They fly internationally! I wonder how that is....

I’ve flown them once. It was fine. But....I’m going to say it was a fluke and leave my experience at once.

What are you doing to your clothes? ;-)

I’m not an uber car geek, and what you described is why I like his videos. Road tests are too technical for me and yeah, I do want to know how comfortable the backseat is for a 6'3" since my hubby is about that height. I want the everyman review of a car, not the professional.

They can pour syrup. Whether it’s on the plate or not.....