I mean if you want to put coffee in your mouth that other people have stuck their noses in and breathed in....go ahead lol.
I mean if you want to put coffee in your mouth that other people have stuck their noses in and breathed in....go ahead lol.
LOL! This is so true. It took me a while to realize I needed to use less ice. I’ve left ice in my work yeti overnight and it’s still there the next day.
LOL! This is so true. It took me a while to realize I needed to use less ice. I’ve left ice in my work yeti…
Of course you can (and I do). But freezing wasn’t within the goalposts of the original comment
I worked in a call center years ago and the thing was that they told us that they could tell when we put folks on hold and it looked bad for the numbers. I’d mute folks and take the headset off though, so no eavesdropping.
The number one side effect that people complain about on Metformin is the excessive pooping. Veggies help your poop move along even if you’re not taking the drug....so if you are....it’s going to be poop city until your body regulates itself.
Please show me the magical strawberries that do not turn to mush in a week.
That’s why I am fine with folks being able to use food stamps (in my state at least) in places like Quick Chek.
Just want to point out that ‘food deserts’ can be found even in middle class neighborhoods. Sometimes they are by design, and sometimes they are because a store left. Sure, many middle class folks have cars and can just drive to a store, but sometimes you find older people who can no longer drive but are still able to…
This is only based on conversations with my ex, but he told me his mom converted to Judaism while pregnant with him, and he was still ‘considered’ Jewish. So maybe it’s the same thing with donated eggs? If the mom is Jewish before birth everything is all good?
To be fair, it does say the condo was bought ‘at auction’, which means they probably purchased it for far less than market value, and I’m assuming that’s way less than $200k.
OMG. I had forgotten about the part where her mom gave her a job.
I read a story about a couple that was able to pay off their student loans because they moved out of the condo one of their set of parents had given them. They moved back in with parents, and then rented out the gifted condo and used that towards the loan payback. I don’t think I’ve ever rolled my eyes so hard.
I do believe some couples can live on less than 2 incomes (not all). Right now my fiance is out of work on workman’s comp and we’ve been having to make due with 2/3 of his salary. Once he hopefully goes back we’ll try to live on less than both our normal incomes.
Arn’t bento boxes adult lunchables?
A lot of folks don’t realize you can use the funds from a 529 plan on your own education if the child ends up not going to college!
We didn’t. Dad picked the name and I said ‘Ok’.
Can you hook up your card to mint or your bank account or something? That way you’ll see any charges (fees) as they come in ..without having to go the card’s site.
Yeah, things usually work out ok (not great, but well enough) when we travel together, but this past weekend I had to take the kid alone for our first leg.
See, I’m not mad at you, I just wonder how you keep track of all that
THAT’S what annoys me. You have to hope no one is going to steal your shit. Dealing with a laptop, a kid, AND the kid’s formula is a recipe for eventual disaster (I forgot the kid’s formula at security last time we flew)