Employment has nothing to do with your credit score. Also, bad stuff falls off after a certain amount of time (varies from state to state). Those collections were no longer on her report.
Employment has nothing to do with your credit score. Also, bad stuff falls off after a certain amount of time (varies from state to state). Those collections were no longer on her report.
This is exactly what I do.
LOL, I thought the same thing. Who actually buys those? Every single one I’ve seen was a rental.
IDK if it’s a bad car, but it was noisy as hell.
Really? I was trying to hold on to my s4 for a little longer (had it for close to 4 years(, but it was dying. It was slow and overheated all the time. I was seriously worried it would spontaneously combust.
A cell phone isn’t a luxury these days either. A lot of folks have just a cell, and no home internet either.
They do get paid from the credit card companies when they ‘recommend’ a card and you apply.
I kept Hulu for a while because we don’t have a cable box in the bedroom, and the cost of the box was more than Hulu. But I’ve figured out other was to get my show fix.
I canceled Hulu! Saved $9. Not much but it’s something.
Yep. There’s a hospital literally right down the street that I refuse to go to. You will wait the entire day to be seen. I went last year because my throat closed up and I really wasn’t sure I could make it the five minutes to the ‘good’ hospital where you might wait an hour. I should have gone to the there or…
I can’t see where it will allow me to claim my child as a dependent not in my home the full year, or where it will allow his father to claim him for only EIC purposes (in his home when he is not in mine). Tax Act and Turbo aren’t giving me an issue with that.
Thanks to this, I finally canceled Hulu! I kept it because it was cheaper than having another cable box ($8.99 vs $10) but I’ll just figure out another way to stream.
Yep, same here... I was never around to eat when the main cafeteria was open, and the late hour cafe just served fast food stuff. I ended up buying quite a few cases of Snapple and was giving them away to friends when they came over—I mean I’d rather give to my friends than put it back in the school’s coffers.
..which still doesn’t mean it has to be a ‘30 minute lunch break’. Not everyone works 9-5 Monday through Friday. And people who do sometimes have these things called ‘days off’ or even ‘half days’.
Where does it say that you need to squeeze this into a lunch break?
“ most beauty stores have return policies that make it easy for you to return a product even after you’ve used it”
Well, that’s why you don’t see any black faces up in there. We worked for free already.
just looked that up and holy hell. they rate your risk on factors like AGE.
If you’re getting a car and plan on hauling your children around in it, make sure you see how a car seat (or 2) fits in it.
Most of the time, a minivan will give you more passenger room, and space for luggage/cargo, but they aren’t as ‘sexy’ as SUVs—especially crossover SUVs.