
Just because someone has an advanced degree in a subject doesn’t mean they will be able to teach that subject. Sounds like your mom had a skill for instruction, which is great, but not everyone has that regardless of their education.

In your scenario you’d have to go to baggage claim and go BACK through security.

I think more poor people should look at (good) private schools. If you’re somewhat smart, and expand your horizons, it’s possible to come out paying less than the state school all your friends are flocking to.

If you grind your own beef e.coli is less of an issue.

If you were planning to pay for the thing/apartment anyway, but want to help your child or whomever build their own credit.

I hate when they charge for parking in their own lot, but I understand sometimes the lot isn’t technically run by the hotel.

She was old enough to know not to eat food without knowing exactly what was in it.

Well, yeah, they figure if you’re coughing up $XXX for a room, the cost for Wi-FI is trivial, or work is paying for it.

I went on a brunch date that turned into a dinner date—we met around 1.30, and didn’t leave until almost 7 (yes, both waiters were tipped).

IDK, if you are/were that fat, I’m sure your date noticed that already....wouldn’t have been a dealbreaker for me

I like the tails too! thought I was the only weirdo.

The problem with this is that if you only have $100, the ‘habits’ you might engage in are going to look bad...things like paying bills late or not at all because you simply don’t have the money. Or letting a medical condition or your car problems get so out of hand you lose everything in one fell swoop. With $100,000

Exactly. If you only have $100, you’re spending a greater percentage on necessities.

I had no idea you really meant a trolley! LOL! I thought it was slang for something else.


No way in the world would I eat BBQ while wearing a white dress.

You paid $60 for dinner for how many people?

Where would those hundred people sit? Chair rentals aren’t that expensive, but chip away at the food budget lol.

Yeah. Another Jersey person here. Every single house in NJ is not $500,000 or anywhere near it.