So the nanny was getting paid twice -_-
So the nanny was getting paid twice -_-
I worked at J Crew years ago at the tail end of grunge, when long skirts were a thing, and a LOT of Orthodox Jewish girls came into our store and gushed about how easy it was then to find clothes that were both trendy and acceptable.
Oh yay, can’t wait for the comments about how weddings are a huge waste of money and *they* just went to the JoP...
Nothing can show off your underwear if you’re not wearing any. Just saying....
High heeled sandals? You’re brave—I always come thisclose to busting my ass when I attempt anything higher than a kitten heel when wearing a long dress.
I follow a few women on Instagram who’ve started up their own businesses. I don’t know how many started at salons, but they all seem to enjoy what they do.
Eh, but *I* at least don’t think of those people as unclean. I don’t like touching feet, but I don’t they are gross for doing so (though I think some people have some NASTY ass feet)
I like my feet to look nice. It kills my back to hunch over and do them myself, so since I have extra income, I pay someone else to do it. I also never like the way my right hand turns out when I do my own manicure so I sometimes get that done too. It costs about $25 for both where I go, and I give the technician…
right???? I wear cheap flip flops for this reason exactly, and also so that i won’t get too pissy if someone steps on my shoes.
he’s a BIG guy, not sure much else fits.
A factory attached (or very close) to a mall, though?
To be fair, things cost more in those two states or are flat out unavailable. And sometimes Puerto Rico is considered international.
And honestly, even if the big cans weren’t cheaper, I’d rather open one large can then several small ones.
Bought it last night! A dollar is super cheap for what you get—I just need reasons to use my Play credit ;-)
Yeah, hopefully the Pro version will be offered through the app store so I can use some of my Play credit.
I love Textra! Very simple and sleek and relatively bugless. But they are going to charge for it soon.
Well, the main breakfast is just eggs (powdered) and bacon and potatoes...for 99 cents I guess it’s a good deal even if it’s not good for your body lol.
My co worker’s wife has this mentality. She refuses to be away from her children for more than a day, which rules out couple vacations (they have 4 kids, all under 10 years old). Everything in her life seems to be 110% about the kids.
Yeah, at least I feel a little ‘done’, you know? Some mornings I don’t have time to do my eyes until I’ve been at work for an hour, but I don’t feel naked because my problem spots are covered.
I put on my foundation before I leave, and maybe blush. Everything else goes on at work.