
Right?! After the whole Nazi uniform incident I kind of wrote him off for life as an unredeemable jerk. I did not see this turn-around coming. I applaud him for having the courage to go against the grain for what he believes in and to protect his wife and son. I hope that his example gives other people the courage

Oops. Sorry, I was hoping for intercommenter drama.  Probably goes without saying that I don’t watch football.

The problem is, speaking as one who has been in very dark places mentally, the very mental illness that you need treatment for may prevent you from getting it, even if you know you need it. It is not just as easy as dialing a number. In my town it’s a six month waiting list, unless you are actively suicidal, that’s


This is deeply gross and creepy. Let’s take a vote among donor sperm-conceived children and see what their view is, because ultimately those are the people will be most affected by having dead donor sperm.

I dislike Sanders as much as anyone and wish he would take a hint and go away. But former secretary of state Clinton makes me cringe everytime I see a new article about what she said. She shouldn’t be such a polarizing figure, but she is. She’s just adding fuel to the fire that she’s ostensibly fighting against in

Do I think she is reaching with this analogy? Yes. Do I also think she’s being targeted more harshly than other people with the same connection to Epstein? Yes. Do I care? No, she didn’t care about those girls less powerful than her when they were being exploited so I’m having trouble finding sympathy for someone

These comments tho’.  Is it just me or have the comments become 50% more troll infested?

Hmmm. I remember as a kid finding Shakespeare’s plays a bit dry and boring for the reason you describe, and The Canterbury Tales had language so archaic it basically did require translation. But 125 years isn’t that long. The books may be boring but if you have to translate it, it kind of sounds like the material

Right, like just don’t get your kid a library card if you’re a controlling lunatic and don’t want your kid to be exposed to any ideas you haven’t pre-approved. This is some next level meddling in other people’s lives. I’m guessing they’ll start with banning kids’ books and then move up to committees which ban

The new tagline, “a supposedly feminist website” says it all. The new vulture capitalist overlords don’t like uppity womenfolk.

I completely get that. Many women were/are raised to think that not having a man is a terrible tragedy.  Having lived both ways, they’re really handy for things that require muscles but I probably would have been better off being forever single and just hiring a handy man.  

I have been looking forward to my periods stopping since the time they started at 11.

Hormonal mood swings are no joke. Thanks for giving hope that life without them will be better.

I’mSofaKing loving your username!  

You’re right and your friend is not.  Not only do DNA tests give away your information, they also give away information about people related to you.  That is definitely a line worth drawing and sticking to.  Also, it’s hard to function in the modern world without having your data hoovered up and shared everywhere but

Why make a movie about this horrible creature? So many fewer women’s stories are told than men’s, why waste a precious opportunity on this waste of skin?

this is the correct take. we need to see more

This is like, the least of it. I’m not even mad. Even I, a girl-child, did this.

Ummm, have you been to Colorado? B/C it’s not just the boys in Colorado, it’s all of us.