How OKC sees Adam Silver and NBA brass
How OKC sees Adam Silver and NBA brass
If I make a habit of kicking the air when no one’s around, and then when someone IS around I still kick (in airspace that now also contains another player’s testicles), I fail to see how it cannot be anyone’s responsibility but my own.
I think the last minute of the game should be called like every other minute of the game (to be clear, I don’t think that’s exactly “by the book”). Why should it be otherwise?
Trumps VP
A lot of what’s referred to as “PC” nowadays is just people not being retrograde sociopaths.
A married couple we know recently got pregnant, and sent my wife and me an online survey to rank potential baby names.
The shove at the end is the best part. He has zero respect for Reggie Jackson as a human and it’s awesome.
Panda would’ve swung at it. Vlad would’ve hit it.
And then the rest of us will mention that he is a rapist.
The 0-3 Cardinals have struck out a combined 37 times in their three losses.
The best part of Oklahoma getting blown out is we heard Boomer Sooner fewer times than in any televised Oklahoma sporting event in history
Missed a 2? You’re thinking of Nick Young.
Oh no, it’s totally legal, that’s why the can was covered in tape, the referees replaced the ball and there is an article on Deadspin.
Only an asshole would complain about shortcuts and say U instead of YOU.
Straight Up.
Claiming “there’s no such as a public record” and then loudly reminding Mixon of appellate deadlines? Nice job, City Attorney Knighton. He is really trying to get those OU season tickets upgraded from the end zone to “somewhere between the 40s, about 20 rows up.” Hard to budget for on a city attorney’s salary.
Wow. If voodoo economics can’t work in Louisiana...
Who would’ve thought, states that continuously cut taxes run out of money?
Wouldn’t the teams you beat have been worse?
Jerry Jones has now entered trade talks with the Reds.