Death by Rabid Wolves

I don’t think I’d even blink. My mom is the type who sends things like Halloween-themed care packages with puffy pumpkin stickers, plastic spider rings, Harry Potter pencils, and such. I’m 36. I roll my eyes but secretly love it.

I’ve always had a fantasy where they bring out the family and kids, and when they say turn around or Let’s welcome home Corporal Marine Todd, the family turns around overjoyed and then they wheel out a casket with the flag draped over it.

She saves a lot of water by not washing her makeup off.


You’d think “home” schooling would have covered responsible lawn maintenance.

“I’ve always been raised as being currently a 26-year-old,”

Take the rebel flagged t-shirt off of the racist and all you have is a bare chested racist.

Ah, I see I’m the only pervert that immediately recognizes it as a riding crop

Admit it; you printed that out so you could sleep with it under your pillow.

was it hamno

“Squawker” as a vertical has a LOT of potential, though. For when you have to squawky.

If a Jez writer does a post and a man doesn’t approve of it, did she really write anything?

People just don’t understand how hard it is to be a boring white person. Our struggle is great.

Always gotta be aaaall about her

Taylor Wears white to someone elses wedding? Gurl, that TAAAACKKKYYYY.

She planned the whole thing to upstage the bride. Taylor is very much in control of her image and I’m shocked you can’t see through it.

I like that Taylor is wearing a white dress with the bride.


The guy is freaking awesome. Lee did both the US and German dub of King Haggard from the Last Unicorn.

1. Gyms have lockers, where one can change into gym clothes.