Death by Rabid Wolves

JV: I’m very proud that most of the journalists and I became close friends. The only ones I didn’t become friends with were assholes—like Keith Bradsher of the New York Times. Just an absolute prick. Did I just say that? Yeah. He’s a piece of shit.

We should all wear whatever the hell we want. Despite the title of this article, that's what real adults do. So, if you have a class ring and it makes you look and feel good, go for it.

The cynic in me says this is product placement for Belvedere Vodka. And it worked because that brand got mentioned on Jez and is all over instagram,

Their cover is just as the prophecy foretold! REPENT! REPENT!

I'm really worried about InTouch and Life & Style, you guise. How will the public react to next week's entirely blank issues? Will we become a nation of journalers?

Kris Jenner is just pissed because this headline was outside of the confines of the legal contract she has with InTouch about featuring her family on the cover. You know she has a secret agreement with all those tabloid mags to feature her fam.

When you do something like this, the bond of family is dead. If he's smart, he shows them no compassion or mercy, sues them for everything they own, and leaves them with nothing. Then he has their house burnt down by the fire department as a training exercise and, as his last communication with them, sends them video

So let me see if I understand this correctly.

I am a total dork and tried to answer all of these questions independently to see if I could fall in love with myself.

I'd probably be fussy if I hadn't had my pintglass full of wine too.

That last chef is more manly than 100 of me.

The US Navy will still have one more frigate in commission, and it may even sail again! </smart-alec>

Tyler brings a hell of a lot of traffic to the Kinjasphere. His traffic numbers were through the roof last time I looked. Quality writing and interesting content make all the difference in the world.

Hello? Didn't anyone see Hunt for Red October? You are chasing someone and to fire your main gun at it, you have to turn 90 degrees. It wasn't ghetto navy as much as Toyota Corolla over Cadillac navy.

I knew something was a little ghetto about these. You could hear the bass thump from 20-30 kliks away and the props were always 20' across and chrome. They couldn't even dock in shallow ports.

A few points (this might get long, but nobody will read it, so who gives a fuck):

Perhaps you should direct your ire where it is due. The fact that it took an OK podcast to get millions to care about issues of criminal justice isn't the fault of the podcast, it's the fault of the country writ large. To say "oh, people can get this exposure if they want it" completely ignores that a huge proportion

I'll wait to reserve judgement until I learn every little detail about her sex life. Unsubstantiated rumors accepted.