As I always say good TV...
As I always say good TV...
Good episode but bad...
Now I am crazy...Can it get any better than that?
So far so good, Think I am gonna watch the back episodes until Nov 4. This is good TV!!!
They flipped it at the end!
Good episode I like Walternate and Charlie. It was kind of predictable at the end. We know our Olivia would not stop until she caught him. The math dude way way cool too.
I think Peter will figure out Folivia in time you can tell he knows she is different
yo Fringe is good TV Peter is an awesome story. Plays out like a novel.
yo this was a good movie to watch. Up there with the Crisis "one". I love Marvel but DC got them beat with these cartoons..
The best thing I have been doing is doing what I call Double or Triple Cardio. Twenty minute run then 15 minute Bike or other Cardio machine. Then do my weight training and end it with 20 to 30 minutes jump rope. I use the clock: jump for 15 to 30 seconds. Rest for 15 then jump 45 seconds then rest for a minute then…