Dean Buckley

I surely won't be the only person who picks an episode of Steven Universe, but I'm probably the only person whose pick is "The Message", in which Greg tries to help the Crystal Gems decode a message from space. I think it's a really impressive showcase of the level of devotion in SU's writing and directing that it can

I love how obviously insincere "Honestly? I wanted to see you" came out. Quinn wasn't the only woman "producing" her love interest this episode.

My theories always turn out to be wrong, so I have nothing to lose with this.

Regular coverage would be nice.

As someone who spends his fair share of time in games, and actually is an overweight agoraphobe, it's kinda hard to take your critique seriously, since Major and Ravi were set up as gamers in the show first, and they're completely different from both the victim and each other, and the victim is consistently described