
That's really cool. I've just started one guy, and went with the Cardinals. Next time around think I'll let the game choose for me.

I'd say it would cause you to trade in you Xbox One, but since I've not used one, I shouldn't say that. Lord knows, I'm going to miss Forza.

Haven't noticed, honestly. He should, as horrible as I am at batting.

Haha! Certainly better than my Cardinals- that's an awesome Siri screen!

She really is. Doesn't like fielding, "too many damn buttons to remember."

Yeah, it's like the 2013 fat Matt. He lost weight in the off season.

Not only was my spelling terrible, but I just walked right into that one!

Except skinny Molina. Looks like the author was playing last weekend's lineup. It's funny, Matt Adams, who you can see at the end of this, is really chunky, and Molina is always too skinny! Some guys, like Shelby Miller aren't very close, but other guys, like Peralta are very good. Kershaw is pretty good also!

I'm not emotionally invested in either, but the price and the games I mentioned sold me. Also, kids. Had a couple. Can play baseball when they are awake on the weekends. No bad language, etc. The Show is really great, wife and I have a lot of fun playing. Not only is "road to the show" as a single player experience

See quite a few of them in the Mid-West where I live. Quite surprising, in fact. See more of these than I do BMWs, etc.

The Show is one of the big reasons I went to PS. That, "The Last of Us," and the Uncharted Series. I'll take that over Halo everyday.

There are all kinds of fun things in The Show if you let it sit without a time out, like outfielders rolling around in grass, batters using the bats for air guitar, etc. It's a great game.

Yes, reminds one of Mubarak and Tito.

It certainly caused a reaction. At the time!

It happened in the United States between 1861-1865, it was terribly unpleasant.

So, the only issue you have is this guy's methods.

It's going to be very hard to pin modern Iraq on the United States. We weren't in the League of Nations. Also, you have zero idea, unless you know him, concerning this guy's knowledge of Iraqi history.

Yes, I think that 4,805 dead Americans is a bad thing. As for "starting" the war, I guess we could have an at length discussion about UN Resolutions and such.