
Joke’s on us- these are all games Nintendo has in development. This is both realistic and scary.

If you leave in VATS the way it is- people that currently love the game will be happy- fine. Leave VATS in but why not improve the FPS combat to feel more like a modern FPS? This doesn’t change anything hardcore players like and still improves combat gameplay.

“Just fine” could be “awesome” though.


Don’t get me wrong. I loved Fallout 3- specifically the story, exploration and mood/tone.

I think you’re misunderstanding me. I’m not saying they should make the entire game like an FPS- just the feel of combat. It feels way too stiff in comparison to basically any other FPS out- even way older, non-Bethesda FPS.

I think if they made the combat feel more like a modern FPS (which I’d love), they wouldn’t need VATS. IMO, the VATS system is kind of a cop-out.

It is far from perfect! Play Halo, play CoD, play Battlefield- play any modern FPS- they all feel way smoother in the action/combat department.

Please, Bethesda, make the combat better!

Fingers crossed that the combat doesn’t suck!

Here’s hoping the combat doesn’t suck!

It’ll take place in Boston. I would bet my entire life savings on this ;)

You gotta know that they’re just going to design enemies with that piece of equipment in mind. It sounds awesome but just wait to see if it actually ends up being as awesome once more and more HoW enemies develop.

Now playing

The “pre-order” was a thing way back when because games sold out at retailers and you’d have to hunt it down at another store or wait until it comes back in stock. It was a guarantee you’d have the game on day 1. There was no digital download saving you from that wild goose chase.

Dude! What about Vault 112- Tranquility Lane! One of the best for sure!

I smell a lawsuit coming on...

Seems like Valve is a lot like the US government. Relying on data, not listening to its people and when it comes to fixing things it’s a big, slow, lumbering mess.

Why don’t they just let him do other work if he wants? It’s not like he plays a main character like Homer or Bart. Is it really worth re-casting or simply no using those characters anymore?

There’s also no way of knowing if Bungie really didn’t put anything else in VoG but, as a result of the community prodding, added something to it in an update. Being the train-wreck Destiny is I think that’s what they’re doing/going to do/did.

FINALLY! I feel like I’ve been reading about this unicorn of a video game device for the last 15 years!