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The “pre-order” was a thing way back when because games sold out at retailers and you’d have to hunt it down at another store or wait until it comes back in stock. It was a guarantee you’d have the game on day 1. There was no digital download saving you from that wild goose chase.

Dude! What about Vault 112- Tranquility Lane! One of the best for sure!

I smell a lawsuit coming on...

Seems like Valve is a lot like the US government. Relying on data, not listening to its people and when it comes to fixing things it’s a big, slow, lumbering mess.

Why don’t they just let him do other work if he wants? It’s not like he plays a main character like Homer or Bart. Is it really worth re-casting or simply no using those characters anymore?

There’s also no way of knowing if Bungie really didn’t put anything else in VoG but, as a result of the community prodding, added something to it in an update. Being the train-wreck Destiny is I think that’s what they’re doing/going to do/did.

FINALLY! I feel like I’ve been reading about this unicorn of a video game device for the last 15 years!

This is the kind of stuff EVERY video game needs!

Maybe you’re right but I’d rather play a larger game than a small one. Maybe I’m in the minority, though? Even if 16 players was the max crucible is still incredibly limited compared to what they did with Halo. I would go so far as to say it’s 10% of the game Halo (multiplayer) is/was.

It’s hard to believe Bungie made Destiny sometimes. A hardcore 3v3 mode but still no CTF? and the largest game possible is still 6v6? We went from 16 players (Halo) in a game to 12 (Destiny). What the hell is that?

Personally, I’m glad he didn’t touch on that. Do we really need to read ANOTHER piece that complains about that? We get it. That part of the game was not so cool. No need to talk about it every time DX:HR is mentioned.

Do the outside marketing teams that publishers/developers hire pay for favorable reviews?

Do any major publishers pay for favorable reviews?

Don’t get an X1. It is a shitty, cheap console. You really need to touch it to realize just how crappy it’s built. Among other things, it stutters just navigating from one dashboard screen to another- what the hell is that?

Do you think anyone was reading this convo thinking they were about to see an internet comment feud turn into a video game friendship that might last until the end of time only to witness the tragic separation by different console choices?

I have an Xbox One :/

I’m going to try getting into a raid. I do need to try them. It’s just difficult to plan for me.

I workout before work, but yes- pretty much. Is 30 seconds really all it takes?

I work long hours and then workout after work or get a run in. When I finally get home I have to cook dinner/clean etc. Having the extra task of signing up on forums at the end of a full day is not something I ever really feel like doing.