Joffrey is Kinect.
Joffrey is Kinect.
"...I wasn't clever enough..." Such is Microsoft.
Yes. Please. Let's just all call it X1 (as we call Playstation 4 PS4)!
Reading number 1 seems really lame, though I'm sure this is something you'd need to experience. That being said, these games will be compared to each other but I'm not sure they should be. While they're both 3rd-person, open-world games, it seems to me that they're very different beyond that.
As excited as I am about this game, I'm not sure this trailer is exactly spectacular, let alone "next-gen."
Great story behind the fall of the studio.
It was only a matter of time before someone suggested the third Valve announcement would be Half-Life 3.
This would be more interesting if I actually cared for the games these developers made but then again, that's Eastern gaming.
Man, this controller blew my mind when I got it!
I'd be livid if I backed something that ended up looking like that!
Finally. A major media gaming outlet speaks out about Kinect. Think beyond the current problems of Kinect 2.0 for a second- it has been a thing for 2-3 years and NO major developer has made anything killer for it. What does that tell you?
This is a difficult spot retailers are in. As a gamer, I don't want laws preventing game sales but as a responsible participant of the industry (I'm not a parent), I feel like maybe the law should jump in here.
First thing that came to my head- this will drown Ouya.
You're joking, right?
March of 2014!!
The last Capcom game I remember being excited about was Lost Planet. That game ended up being pretty disappointing. Hopefully this will be different? Although, I still have no idea what I should be excited about...
PC, Sony, iOS, Android, Xbox. Do developers really want to make a game for another platform, especially one that's less than popular?
Sooo this is going to be on PS4 and X1, right??