@Shinta: Yeah, Amazon is out of stock as of now. Definitely should have pre-ordered no reason not to with a $15 gift card on all future videogame purchases as a bonus.
@Shinta: Yeah, Amazon is out of stock as of now. Definitely should have pre-ordered no reason not to with a $15 gift card on all future videogame purchases as a bonus.
Picking up Lords of Shadow today (well Amazon is shipping it to me today).
@KimChen: PCs don't have warranty violations like consoles do.
@Azel: Love that strawman don't you?
I want to know what the r/c vehicle was so I can do this myself.
@Etalyx: How the hell is it propaganda?
@Cygnar: EA isn't violating free speech when it chooses to censor itself.
@Pixel Breaker: Why be more pissed at the army when the army didn't do anything?
@piecesofwork: Or maybe while working with the military even the developer weren't sure of what they'd do with the multiplayer?
@RobotGhoul: It's a cheap and reliable way of gaining accurate sound effects and information about the military and how it works.
@cdat1ad: "Just you watch how fast the crybaby liberals will be screaming about free speech."
@jshunk: "Try using that excuse in a graduate school program. Any professor will disregard the information "
@Jonathan Strange: No, my 360 plays the music from my Zune HD instantly.
And now the lowest common denominator has just been appealed to and now they feel even more validated.
@potetoe: Ah I see, my mistake. thanks
@TheSolarKnight: I think if that ever happened Japan would implode.
@yanipheonu: "Pokemon Black / White (DS) - 829,000 / 3,386,000"
@DeadnBuried: The 360 isn't very popular in Japan and the Japanese by large couldn't care less about shooters.
Basic rule of game releases: