@dragonfliet: "or just inexplicably dumb (in the Mass Effect games, one of the options will almost certainly be "what is/are the X?" where X is something the character would/should already know)). "
@dragonfliet: "or just inexplicably dumb (in the Mass Effect games, one of the options will almost certainly be "what is/are the X?" where X is something the character would/should already know)). "
@Kamix: I never been to Iran during Saddam's rule, is it alright for me to say it was a fucked up place or do I have to go there?
@Kamix: Don't ignore Venom's response Pot.
You'd think cultures would learn that treating sex as so unnatural and with such hostility really does more harm than good.
@tiberseptim: True but I wanted to warn everyone that a guy who came in here solely to post a largely negative impression of RDR in a story that praises it and bound to be filled with RDR fans can only be a troll.
@CanaryWundaboy: almost fell for it
@Go Go Gadget: Guttah Trash!: Yeah, it was weird that podcasts kept telling me I should totally buy Alan Wake while also talking about Red Dead: Redemption all of the time.
@NightMystic: Clearly you haven't done any of the challenges like Treasure Hunting or Animal Hunting.
@CanaryWundaboy: nice troll attempt
Only thing that bothers me is how many people out there probably pirated the game instead of actually purchasing it.
Am I really in the minority for having no problem with this?
No biggie, soldiers can still get the game just it will have to be off base.
@Unknown-User: Yeah, a ME movie set during the First Contact War would be brilliant.
@Duane Llave: "I don't know anyone who listens to music while playing a game. "
@piecesofwork: No flying
@Yedman: I don't want a Mass Effect movie because I don't want a 'canon' story and besides the game itself is a cinematic experience.
This is only good news if you can stream music during gameplay.
@Julian Suga: Quite the temper, you won't do well here.
@Diesel: If you paid attention, you'd notice that batman doesn't develop those holes, rips, or tears in his cape until later as the game progresses.