@SinisterBill dances the Sheik Yerbouti Tango: Naw, bullies have no right to anything really. They're just a different kind of sociopath, just with a sense of self-entitlement.
@SinisterBill dances the Sheik Yerbouti Tango: Naw, bullies have no right to anything really. They're just a different kind of sociopath, just with a sense of self-entitlement.
@Zak123: Oh please.
@Zak123: I'll be honest, I have no sympathy for dead bullies.
@krushjudgement: A lot of stuff does suggest and point that he seriously has been considering this crime.
@heckteck: Maybe YOUR school wasn't that bad.
@Antinate: While I partially agree with your sentiments towards the loners who go apeshit violent.
That's cool, would like to see someone make a replica of the Geth Pulse Rifle however.
@Godsbigjoke: Yeah, I think Bioware mentioned that when they revealed the game.
@Godsbigjoke: Um... seeing how Hawke's family was in Lothering when the Dark Spawn attacked it I'm fairly certain that is impossible.
"There will be web-connected PCs that have downloadable and flash games to play"
@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: Um.. no.
@hawkeye18: "You're the one that calls me ignorant, but you're the one that is getting genuinely upset by something you read on the internet. "
@bitsmart: He isn't saying there is anythin wrong with calling black people "black".
@hawkeye18: You're honestly an idiot if you think racism doesn't exist.
@dkl415: And this game may be outstanding without the sex.
@Chester Coat Sleaves is disappointed Dean is gone.: Just like how television shows like Desperate Housewives put TV back a few years?
@imsh_pl: Let me guess, you kept it because that turned you on?
@Isaac Clarke: Yeah, it's called the Battle Frontier.