Japanese nerds really need to get a reality check, she doesn't belong to them and is entitled to her own sex life.
Japanese nerds really need to get a reality check, she doesn't belong to them and is entitled to her own sex life.
@Krakenstein: There is a large difference between growing pot (something that really shouldn't be a crime) and say stealing someone's credit card (and thus money).
@DrDankstone: right
@Daemon_Gildas: Yeah they should totally make such a terrible game because you're can't be bothered to play the original games again.
@DrDankstone: How is some ridiculously large picture of cartoon kiddy porn not inappropriate in any workplace?
@Druffmaul: The one nerd who had the balls to stand up to them deserves his credit, no doubt.
@bosscharlie: NSFW warning next time please
@Druffmaul: Uh, I have a red belt in Tae Kwon Do dude.
@Druffmaul: would've been a blood bath
@Cellsong: shut up
I really hate how two guys can hold nine people in complete fear.
@HK-47: It's less that he "doesn't need to take photos" and more that the kid doesn't have a camera.
@danyvatt: You're talking to a guy who is so lonely that he has given up all hope of ever being with a woman.
I remember when I was a kid and first discovered women.
It is way too similar
@Fredy04: Probably because people reported it.
Gizmodo, it's pretty unethical for you guys to even remotely suggest this may be a safe buy.
@cubiclegnome: Maybe you should play RDR before criticizing it.
I have no problem with teaching latina girls to stand up for themselves and have sex only when they are ready.
@liekmudkiepz8: No, it really isn't.