@Demoskinos: "Well, I'd agree. Has communism ever done anything positive EVER?"
@Demoskinos: "Well, I'd agree. Has communism ever done anything positive EVER?"
@waclark57: Mmm...
@Demoskinos: He's being called crazy because he pretty much advocated "killing all communists" and kept shouting nonsense, then accused the cameraman of being a "communist".
@waclark57: uh huh
@waclark57: Learn what communism is before coming online please.
@Kyosuke_Nanbu: Clearly something went over somebody's head.
@YourPointIsInvalid: Mass Effect 3 is using the Mass Effect 3 engine, so releasing a sequel so soon sounds about right.
@Illundiel: Seeing how that is exactly what they did with Mass Effect, improve all of the criticisms I'm sure they'll do the same for Dragon Age 2
I was about to criticize the parents if it wasn't for what you have stated.
Old people are adorable, they're like children but also racist sometimes. :3
@Guts4: lol butthurt?
@Guts4: 2 x 360 = 720
I wonder whether Hulu will actually make it worth it.
@Guts4: ...
@justin0025: "he PC isn't free in anyway shape or form. You have to pay for internet bandwidth, and if you want a good amount, your paying almost 25-30$ a month, "
I use netflix and stream episodes of 24 (since I never watched the series) on my 360.
Wow, how is this different from the other conventional games and fun ways schools have been using to educate children?
@Jun284: lol like you're one to talk about anger management.
@Ironfungus: Wow, um.
@PunkyChipsAhoy: No, Pokemon Black and White will be playable on both the regular DS and 3DS.