
So the first paragraph of the most revered legal document in the country is a well worded facade that hides the litigious, convoluted truth?

that is what one would think, but no sooner did Gouverneur Morris put that in there the courts decided that it was NOT to ever be considered law.

Of course.. because guess what.. higher taxes means, you (company) has to work hard and DO the work, and hire the people... When taxes are low, companies are like any lazy person.. they slack off and try to get 1 to do the work of 4 because it benefits them to do so.. (remember, companies get deductions based on the

i’m not sure that will be true. yes, the deductions are to be capped @ 10K but if you are that type of earner to afford over 10K in deductions your extra take on withholdings should do well for you.

Thank you for the graphs, they will be saved and reused.

The best part about the corporate tax rate graphs and statistics spewed by the GOP is that it completely ignores the massive amounts of write-offs they have at their disposal. Like, yeah, it’s a 30% base rate, it’s rather high compared with the rest of the world. However, you have state tax breaks and federal tax



Now there is a photo gallery that could be re-titled:

if only there were some people from the Nixon/Ford and Ray-gun administrations that had some dealings with those in the Iran or Saudi Arabia

hellooo 9-1-1 id like to report a mentally disturbed man behaving eratically and several behaving badly in the white house... i was told to report this kinda thing again and again.

If you can’t blame Muslims, immigrants, or Hillary, blame the victims. But never, ever, under any circumstances, blame yourself.

“The IOC said that the standalone medal ceremonies were introduced during the Calgary 1988 Olympics, “in order to give the public an opportunity to view medal presentation ceremonies IOC an opportunity to sell more tickets and make more scratch.”

The same people complaining about participation trophies are the same people who whine like little bitches if they don’t get their way. Which is what led to participation trophies. They never seem to notice the irony.

Wow. Somehow I missed that article on Deadspin. But it has the data and experts to back up my sneaking suspicion. I’m convinced. MLS is definitely a Ponzi scheme. I can’t wait for a 50-team league in 2034!

Luckily, evidence shows that MLS and US Soccer are NOT in fact serious about improving soccer in the US.

To me, the fact that baseball’s Hall of Fame vote is conducted the same way high school Student Government elections are done is a feature and not a bug.

Yeah no kidding. I can kind of forgive an old V-Mart getting 4/$68 as paying for past production. But Zimmerman at 5/$110 looked bad at signing and has been even more disastrous than I would have guessed.