alot of that has to fall on the owner. the wings aren’t the only team he had that loved to sign long term deals with players in thier 30s.
alot of that has to fall on the owner. the wings aren’t the only team he had that loved to sign long term deals with players in thier 30s.
It’s not a great time to be emotionally invested in the Red Wings.
Ray Hudson was again in fine form yesterday.....
at least an Asswipe is useful...
yeah but.....
i think the ringer is going for the alex jones/trump demo....
yes, they is...
9 inches!?!?!?!?!?
the washington redhwaks story the other day got me to thinking (yeah, i know) that it is hard not to see these as the test runs for 2018.
coming here to post just that....
at least the sneakers are real...
yeah, but can this father and son asshat combo beat up an unarmed 1st base coach when he’s not looking?
it could run in the family.
naw...just creepy fucker
i found a lineman for the 49ers and bills but no Qubes yet....still doing the googles and will update if i find one.
where is this reply?
good many thoughts.....
yeah, but i have never had to ask the kind of question you did.
1st rebutal
i hope #NotAllMen eagle...i hope