
Sending examples coming from personal experience is the best advice! So thank you for that. My ex would definitely fit into the “unable to see the reality” group, and I know already he would never admit to even the smallest infraction, so you’re likely correct about what the outcome wold be as well. :)

We Scorpios can help you plan a real long game revenge if you’re in the mood later.

Fellow Pisces here. I’m sorry for what you’re going through. As others have mentioned, write it all down and burn it with fire. And if you decide to write it in an email, make sure you don’t put his name in the “To:” field, because sending it accidentally would definitely add to your stress.

Hi everyone! I just fed the kitties and made a vodka soda, and I’m cold because I have no heat! Landlord is “working on it” which could mean he is or he isn’t or will get to it eventually, no way to know. But hey! The Bartender and I went to see a traveling version of The Price is Right the other night and it was

I am typing this one-handed because I HAD A BABY!!!

Since you have already broken up I don't think he cares and because men are delightful creatures probably he's going to think you miss him or worse.

Shelter Cat Update!

Happy to oblige 😄

I invented a dish this was easy and delicious. Basically chicken, thyme and cider casserole which doesn't sound great but by golly I’ll be making it again!

I’m pretty sure no one will see this ... but I feel like I just want to scream “I’m not ok, I’m not ok! somebody help me please!”

So I ordered a “cursed mystery box” off the internet, do not ask me why, and just got the tracking number that shows it’s being shipped from Brasov, which is apparently in Transylvania.

Soberity was going really well. I’d been sober for about four or five months. I sorta made up with my friend, although everything is different now. He’s obviously set some boundaries up and seems very distant, both he and his girlfriend do. And I mean, I have to respect that. But I’m really, really struggling right

Husband is making jumbalaya tonight! I made my (well, Cuisine magazine’s) famous curried chicken salad sandwiches yesterday. Tomorrow it’s my turn again and I’m doing Laurie Colwin’s jalepeno cheese and spinach casserole with pita chips and then it’s his turn and he’s making goulash and horseradish noodles and then

Shelter Cat Update!

It probably sounds worse than it was. The fear of knowing your body/brain is betraying you is the scary bit. Every time I feel a pain in my head I’m like “Well that’s it, I’m going to die now”. 

I'm trying a new recipe for cheesy garlic bread.  Junior Grapes is on the cross country team at his school.  I sent him to his first team potluck dinner with homemade bread and now he's not allowed to come without any.  I'm testing different recipes so they get variety and I get to have more fun in the kitchen. 

Yep. Well we’ll see what happens now. If people ask me what I’ve done to upset so and so then certain managers who will do something are made aware (as it shows there’s still bullshit gossip).

Been a funny old week for me, but I finally had my long service in the NHS recognised at the hospital, receiving a certificate and a badge (not even the right badge 🙄)

How do we know it’s really Cardi?

Being gaslighted is terrible and I'm glad this got sorted for you. I got fired for completely false, easy to check (nobody checked) allegations. I was rehired, after a boatload of professional damage and lawyer fees. No repercussions for the person who maliciously did this. He kept his position of power, up until he