
You are aware your likely only getting about 50 bucks tops for a PS4 considering its 7 years old and the PS5 is coming out in the next few months....And only scummy shitbags would go online and try to sell it to someone directly, knowing it could have an issue.

Battletoads has always been awful. It was never a good game and its barely even a series. There was 1 NES game that eventually got a Genesis port an Arcade game(somehow more broken than the NES game) and then Battletoads v Double Dragon...People seem to have this nostalgia for a game that was never good, its was never

Cartoon Network....Hell this looks like a cross between a 1997 java flash game and an IOS game

The game is just not good...It NEVER was....Not the NES game, the Genesis version, the SNES game, the arcade game...Hell Battletoads Double Dragon was god awful...Have no clue why the hell people pretend that the Battletoads game was so amazing, it wasn’t. It was broken trash

just like nobody gives a shit what you low IQ brain dead millennials think...Nobody gives a fuck that you think you deserve a free life, NO your not a special little snowflake, nobody cares what your mom told you. And the majority of democrats which your not in would vote for republicans before they voted for brain

Its not strange to think a game that came out in 2019 hasn’t received any DLC, they flat out stated when the game came out that there was NOT going to be any DLC for Sekiro and that certain side missions were specifically added because they knew there wasn’t going to be DLC. 

Well the true ending is sparing him...If nothing else its extremely obvious by the trophy description. So if or more likely when Sucker Punch does a sequel the spare ending is going to end up the cannon ending.

What you mean like how you don’t get to keep the games anymore, so the Xbox fantards lost the ability to go on about that evil PSN and Nintendo network not giving you the games for free but renting them to you....

WTF are you crying about? MS doesn’t own the cuphead IP....I don’t see you crying about MS not releasing Halo or Gears on The Switch and PS4...So you can just have a nice cup of STFU, crying about Sony not putting their FIRST PARTY studio games on other platforms...

I care....Im more centrist than anything and its beyond fucking time for the centrists to ban together and get rid of these imbecile woke fucktard millennials who want life to be some fantasyland where they get everything handed to them and pull their cancel culture overly PC bullshit on everything they deem bad

Nah...See what you idiot kids don’t seem to grasp is that NO not everyone is into your woke shit, with your free life and your free school and work weeks should only be 5hrs a day but 40hrs pay or that guns should be abolished, or that cops should be replaced with crisis counselors and security guards...

Not that it matters. Faux and Trump will spin it into the poor Murica loving veteran was killed by the anarchists or antifa and his low IQ imbecile followers will believe every word of it and spin it into Biden is coming to take your guns away....

You mean the kids and their parents who are still in cages in places where the coronavirus is probably raging right now.....But then again Trump would love it if those people started dropping dead

yeah she’s full of shit....There is no universe where she got covid-19 and got over it in a couple of days....There are people that don’t need a breathing tube who are sick for weeks if not close to 2 months and still feel effects after...

You mean idiot millennials that think they have a “job” cause they sit on their ass all day streaming videa gaemz and think its hard work.....

You mean like when we have to take good games like Doom and a great game like Doom 2016 and turn it into lifeless generic space marine platforming garbage where demons have become inter-dimensional beings and then fill it with streamer garbage gimmicks all because games now need to pander to brain dead millennial

No they have literally ALWAYS wanted to fuck over anyone who isn’t them...They have always been for other rich people and corporations...They just don’t hide it much anymore....Its that their literal poor followers have the IQ of a bag full of broken dildos and hobo diarrhea...They don’t actually see that A

How shocking that SMART platform developers, would have software development teams to make games for their platform....Jesus people sound stupid when they try to talk about how anti consumer exclusives are....As if its Sony or Nintendo’s problem that their own teams make games for their own platforms....

WTF are you on about...Unlike Microsoft, Sony has never pretended that a timed exclusive is completely exclusive....It was literally Sony who started saying play if first on PS..

WTF are you even talking about...Horizon is THREE YEARS OLD....And you can bet that its being released on PC to sell PS5s to people who want to play the sequel.....Death Stranding isn’t their game and LMFAO Dreams....Yeah Sorry not only is exclusivity not going anywhere its clear that Nintendo and Sony are the only