
Wait...So let me see if I understand this....Morons cry when a trailer shows too much, they start crapping their diaper about being shown too much...Yet somehow they shouldn’t have misdirection in their trailers because lying is bad...LMFAO got it, stupid people gotta be stupid....

Nah only the idiots that still cry about the bugs when the game launched say its the worst...It had one of the better stories and those bugs got fixed.

Hell Odyssey is better than Origins

It is hilarious though watching the low IQ people cry about some non-existent gay SJW propaganda agenda though.....Especially when Ellie and the gay thing is barely brought up aside from 2 specific early cut scenes sort of and then not mentioned again....And its still hilarious watching them go on about a non-existent

the internet is pretending to be outraged at something you don’t see....Its hilarious though when 2 characters make too many gay people to get hard....Its still hilarious too that the incels are still pretending that Abby is a trans character because she’s got muscle...SHE isn’t even transgendered

What trans representation? Abby isn’t transgendered and there are zero trans characters

What does trans have to do with anything...Abby isn’t trans.

Just wait till the PS5/SeX.....Then the Switch really wont be getting any 3rd party games....Well then again MS is hoping the Microcucks rush out to get the SeX even though all the games at least 1st party will have to be designed to play on the OG launch Xbox for the few years, if 3rd parties cater towards that they

I’d rather we make it a game....We take all the idiot woke millennials(especially if they think boomer is a clever burn) since they ruin everything. Then take all the brain dead Trumpturds(they ruin everything else) place them into various rockets and fire them into the sun...

You might wanna throw that out, I have a hard time believing it could still be good.

there is no universe where it was worth $40 bucks. I bought it at launch also, and this EXTREMELY basic game that is only about 4-5hrs long was at best worth $25. Free to play android games are deeper, the only thing maneater has going for it is that it happens to be fun

there is no universe where it was worth $40 bucks. I bought it at launch also, and this EXTREMELY basic game that is

then maybe Broussard should have competently ran his company

lol its not hard to figure out they’ll likely stick with EA. They’re not going to give the Star Wars license to some little pissant indie studio, they’re not going to cut a deal that doesn’t lead to multiplat games....IF they went with someone other than EA it would highly likely be Activision.

Good thing this is a REMAKE then and not a remaster....Since they are 2 different things, with 2 different meanings and aren’t interchangeable.

you mean the stand that holds it up that also goes under it

Cool story bruh....Enjoy your switch games and spending probably $600 bucks for a SeX to get those developed on OG launch X1 hardware with some SeX upgrades.

Its not rocket science....A MS showed practically nothing but 3rd party titles and B everything on SeX is going to be optimized to the LOWEST common denominator so everything is going to be developed for the OG launch X1....Not sure where idiots would get this notion that next gen games were going to be huge graphical

The drummer from Def Leppard’s only got one the only thing that instantly runs through my head when I hear their name because of Bloodhound Gang’s Why’s Everybody Always Pickin on Me.

Safe to say they would love Creed being as they were a Jesus freak band that happened to get famous.

Well to be fair, they really haven’t been a band in quite some time. Mezmerize and Hypnotize were released in 2004/2005 and were the last albums they released. Serj Tankian has been doing his own thing since and SOAD was pretty much split until 2011-ish