
I hate to break it to you, I know your thirsty for that Nintenjizz BUT ALOT of reviewers have been asked and all stated they were told the review copy included the day 1 patch and it still has pitiful performance...But please go back to cucking for Nintendo, maybe if you just simp for them hard enough they’ll come

What does Treyarch have to do with Infinity Ward.

Since when was he killed for thievery? Last I checked he was killed because he had a fake $20 bill and the store owner said he didn’t even think the guy knew it was fake....There was no quasi-murder, it was flat out murder...

Yes because stupid autistic dumb shit like that certainly wouldn’t be playing right into the hands of Trump who wants everyone to do “normal” things and pretend like there are no protests, nothing is going on and Coronavirus has been defeated by the “war time” President...

But his family was killed by a roving gang of SNAKMAN PEOPEL who shot fire from their fangs and he held his mom while she was DIEING and she cried a SIGNLE TERE.....

How strange that the owner of the company would get money from games he sold...Oh wait thats right idiots are still 100% positive that 100% of things said are definitely true, they must be it was on the internet.....

I hate to break it to you but bad connectivity with a PS4 has nothing to do with the vita....Thats your garbage trash internet that causes a bad connection. Mine works perfectly fine with my more than great internet connection

Sure thing.....It only had the same amount of buttons that every controller since the Dualshock 1 has had, but hey lets pretend it was somehow different because 2 of the buttons involved tapping 1 side or the other of the back touchpad.

Since when? It does work with remote play

And at best they should have only asked $20-25 for it. Its not worth $40 bucks. Sure its fun and all but being so short, so limited, so basic and only being able to be a bull shark kinda kills it

Its not worth the $40 bucks they want for it....Yeah its fun and all but there is no universe where a game this short and this limited fun or not is worth $40

Yeah cause that Target had a hand in the wrongful death...Yeah those small independently owned shops that were robbed before being burnt down totally had a hand in the wrongful death....Really showed those small stores that might not even reopen because maybe the owners couldn’t afford the insurance, or can’t afford

Nah....In no universe was Street Fighter 5 a mistep.....Sorry autism or stupidity isn’t ever a valid excuse, they stated before release that they were releasing the game with just online and character story modes with the actual story and arcade modes being released later...They made it clear that if you wanted those

Kewl story bro....Hows that MK11 Aftermath that $50 for cut scenes and 3 characters. Or MKX/MKXL or Injustice 2 gold, Dragonball Fighter Z ultimate edition, Power Rangers complete edition that launched with 8 characters, any of the 20 editions of skullgirls, Tekken 7 complete edition/complete gold edition, Dead or

The hell it was.....Silent Hill was pretty good...Silent Hill Revelation was not good....

What world do you live in where a refund from a 3rd party seller on Amazon is some sort of time consumer......I’ve literally sent one e-mail the one time I had an issue with a 3rd party seller and Amazon resolved it in less than 10 minutes

OR maybe it has more to do with why is Amazon allowing shitbags to sell a $300 system for $700 bucks...Its hilarious though how some people want to defend this shit as supply and demand, but were shitting their diapers and flinging the poo over the guy who had 18,000 bottles of hand sanitizer and was selling them for

Thats because nobody really wants a lite...You can’t use it on the tv, you can’t really use a pro controller on it and its not compatible with every game..The lite isn’t worth shit, unless your someone who just wants handheld mode only.

why the shit would anyone want a lite if they wanted something they could connect to a television and use an actual controller...

Clearly you don’t know about the bootleg Chinese knockoff toy found that literally says its RobertCop