
What console wars.....360 got beat by PS3......Xbox One got crushed by PS4 and EVERY 9 out 10 devs are far more excited about the PS5 and what Sony is doing with the PS5 than the Xbox Series X...Nobody but the Xbox Fantards gives a crap about the Series X being more powerful, especially not when games are going to be

I believe I’ve read from other sites thinking somewhere around 5-6.5 million units as opposed to the larger number of PS4s that were available at launch

Just like when MS copied PS2 for Kinect or Nintendo copied The Wand turning it into the Wiimote...Or when everyone copied Sony after they made 2 stick controllers a staple of console controllers.....

OR they just fired up their PS4/X1 and played the pod racer game thats been on there for atleast a year...

NO she shouldn’t, not if the house doesn’t have business...Jesus im tired of people who have no clue how congress works...NO they aren’t elected to sit around the house or the senate 24/7 for a year, nor are they on vacation when they aren’t in session....More often than not when they aren’t in DC for business the

Nah its more like Democrats trying to point out to the brain dead simpletons who vote for Trump and constantly cry about the government and in between drooling are too stupid to know that when they aren’t in DC they are in their states/districts dealing with that business....That Republicans don’t care about you and

Its the Switch....Its lucky all that destruction didn’t make the Switch meltdown.

Painkiller a game that hasn’t had a good release in decades LMFAO yeah umm lets not pretend that a game which hasn’t been good in decades is legendary

Since when is Painkiller or Red Faction popular...There hasn’t been a good Painkiller in decades and Red Faction has 4 games 2 mediocre, 1 good and one god awful that killed the franchise.

No its not...There have been 4 games that ranged from mediocre to awful with Red Faction Guerrilla being the best and and Armageddon being terrible

You mean the age he legally has to be for tournaments of any kind.

Its called legally NO MATTER WHAT to play in tournaments of ANY kind you must be 13 or older...Same reason why all social media sites require you to be 13 or older to create an account....

Yeah casual play..You cannot play in any kind of tournament no matter what if your under 13...The same reason youtube, facebook, twitter ALL social media require you to be 13 to actually make an account.

So what your saying then is you only played that god awful Warrior within but didn’t actually play Sands of Time, Two Thrones or Forgotten Sands

Um yeah no...We haven’t seen remasters because we literally just got a Prince of Persia HD collection in 2011.....

and its gonna look fucking stupid when people are jumping around with a character that shouldn’t have the ability to jump

LMFAO none of this shit is worth another $40 bucks after paying $60 for the game and another $40 for Kombat Pass and the stages, friendships etc are in a free update so your paying for a small story and 3 characters

Dirge of Cerberus was hot garbage trash...They sure as shit wouldn’t do anything with that turd, between the god awful reviews and the god awful sales they would bury it with the Atari carts if they could.

How dare they do things that make money and focus on things less that don’t make money...Its almost like they’re a business or something

Nobody wants to remember Dirge of Cerberus except people who like garbage trash games, that game was god awful.