
Well, Jerry Rice is the best WR ever, and that's not debatable. But Calvin is an all-time great. And I wasn't born into it, I'm born and raised in NY to jets fans and somehow as a stupid youth I decided I was a lions fan...oh how I wish I had just become a jets fan like my dad...

I’m 37 and I don’t believe I’ll ever see them win another playoff game again. At least that fuck face MAYHEW is finally gone. I want to him him in the scalp with the claw end of a hammer

Last time the Lions won a playoff game, I was 12, I'm 37 now. Bills have been in 4 Super Bowls, Lions have won...ONE playoff game in almost 60 years. You had Jim Kelly we had Rodney Peete

Well Lombardi was fired mid season because he's fucking useless. Jim Bob Cooter actually did a solid job when he replaced him..:but now no Megatron, and fucking morons out there still seem to think that fucking Cockbag Eric Ebron can actually be good. Dude fucking blew at UNC

2 points:

You'd lose that bet. It may take awhile for that random good but not great team to win, but the Lions will literally never ever win anything ever. There are lifelong Lions fans that are approaching 60 years old that have seen this team win a total of one playoff game.

You've seen your team in a Super Bowl though. I've only seen my team win 1 playoffs game...and I'm approaching 40...and if I was a few years away from being 60, I would still have only see 1 playoff game win ever.

I am a Detroit Lions fan, and I know for a fact that the Lions will never win a Super Bowl ever. If every team in the NFL but the Lions had a Super Bowl title, I'd still pick the Lions to finish last. I'm a fan of the worst team in North American sports. Lions have won 1 fucking playoff game in 58 years. That's less

I saw MJ play while growing up in the 80's and 90's when I was a kid in awe of everything. I watched LeBron play while I’m a surly late 20's to now late 30's asshole. So my bright eyed youth trumps my, earlier than expected “get off my lawn” attitude when I watch LeBron. I like Magic better than LeBron too

I would have to say watching Alabama stomp the living shit out of Notre Dame in the title game made me oh so happy. And I can't stand Bama, but they were my ally for one night.

They were much different games, but both were so much fun and so great. BG2 was one of the best isometric RPGs ever made(possibly the absolute best), but NW Nights was a whole lot of fun.

Boy does that bring back memories. I remember that I was getting this for my birthday, and it had already been purchased. I begged my parents to let me just have the manual a week early and I studied that book like I was about to take my boards for med school.

You should still get it, its just so much fun and such a great game.

Go Argentina

Tom Ley is useless, after April 1st, they should have left him at Jezebel

Deadspin, gawker, least io9, kotaku and jalopnik are usually free from politicking

So you’re a socialist? For shame

Val Kilmer looks like Batman ate Bruce Wayne

Same with the World Cup