That cat/lobster... “clobster” is freaky as hell. Im hoping the games as good as the art!
That cat/lobster... “clobster” is freaky as hell. Im hoping the games as good as the art!
Cmon Death Stranding and Bloodborne 2...please...I can’t take it anymore...
Ya lost me bro. He used money earned to start his own company.
I think I’m gonna pre order from that first link...
Do you even Poké bro??
Mike...don’t you dare say we don’t need any more Battle Chaser comics... I’ve been waiting on issue 10 for 16 years....
All these kids out here with their cool creative user names. Meanwhile I’m stuck with a name based on an anime character I liked YEARS ago.
That took longer than I expected.
I think it is Zone of the Enders 2. It was called Anubis in Japan if I’m not mistaken.
Cmon guys. George Kamitani would NEVER intentionally do something like that...
I can’t wait! Don’t know exactly what I’m waiting for yet but I can’t wait to find out.
That’s it! I’ve come up with a new recipe.
I’m not making fun. I have my own video game obsessions but DAMN. Overwatch fans are no joke.
The art style doesn’t bother me. Just as long as the gameplay is the same I’m fine. Capcom Arcade is still up and running if you want the original game.
Or I can just play street fighter...
“Hello, Allison, I wanna hold your hand
I haven’t been the same man
Since I saw you comin’ in
Let’s have a toast to the girl in aisle 10!!”
Hopefully this means Capcom hasn’t forgotten about Darkstalkers.
Is it too late to ask for a new Jet Moto? I loved that game!
I enjoyed this game on mobile platforms. I think a console port was unnecessary.
They filmed some of this in my neighborhood. Got to see some stunt doubles pretend to jump off a fire escape. Can’t wait to see it.