
What exactly is being copied?

Your correct I don’t consider 12 year olds people.

It’s not how people talk. It’s something I have never done my entire life. And this comes from someone who used to refer to everything I didn’t like as gay until I graduated 8th grade. It may be how you talk.

It’s hard too care about any Facebook post if that person doesn’t have a public platform to lend credence to their ideas.

I often wonder (rhetorically) what makes a person respond so boringly and vapidly to someone on the internet. I’ve never once thought to myself, “I will add nothing to the conversation but I'm going to respond to this comment anyway.”

Good to see that you backed that up with something. I see your logic is top notch.

Is it just me or do these things seem to happen more in Florida?

When you eat oatmeal you gotta make it into carmelized goodness. Brown sugar and butter all the way!

Did the lights go out at the arena Or just the television feed got interrupted?

Clearly a CGI Tornado... This doesn't happen in real life