
I use smoked gouda with bacon, because you can never have too much of a good thing.

There is no such thing as a bargain tattoo. Remember that kids.

I am going to try, but it seems like Jacksonville is awash in conservatives. :(

Yeah, most of my family is the same way, I am the liberal atheist black sheep.

He WAS. It’s just no worth it to me anymore though.

I’m going to have to stop seeing the guy I’ve been seeing for a couple months over his conservative politics and belief that christians are a persecuted minority and should be able to legislate themselves special rights and privileges and force it on the rest of us. There was also an argument about “The Muslims” and

Works 100% of the time 60% of the time.

I often wear my maxi dresses here in Florida with no bra, so you can just deal with my big floppy tits lady and get over yourself.

I wish I could give extra stars for your “ flowy jersey-draped ass”.

I had to give up on hormonal birth control too because every one I tried just wrecked me with side effects. Total crapfest.

I've pretty much given up on trying to achieve clear skin at this point. I've tried so many products and combinations, and I don't have the money for a dermatologist.
I've not had clear skin since before I hit puberty and I'm in my 30's now.

I was just in my local Target clothes shopping yesterday, and yes, it's still sort of blended in with maternity.

This is literally my worst nightmare. Camelids are devil-horses sent straight from the pits of hell.
I am seriously afraid of and am freaked out by them.

Maybe this is why I can't get any interviews in this crappy city.
Fucking depressing.

A very public proposal would warrant an automatic no and immediate breakup from me for that reason.
I don't care if it was Ryan Gosling down on 1 knee, you do that shit in a more intimate private setting if you are really worried about saving face.

Don't feel bad about the birds thing, I'm afraid of pretty much all Camelids.
Llamas are evil devil-horses.
I get uncomfortable even looking at photos of them.
It's like staring directly at Cthulhu. Not good.

I am definitely with you on this. Flavor first.

Humanity would have died out if men were as dumb and incapable as they appear to be in ads for domestic products.

Neil Patrick Harris and the Glowstick Orchestra!

I was raised Fire & Brimstone Evangelical Southern Baptist, so no, none of my religious upbringing brings back any pleasant memories. They were hateful,homophobic,willfully ignorant, and just absolutely downright nasty to anyone who didn't fit the mold or had a brain in their head and wanted to use it. I remember