I agree as well, though I fear that some shitstain will decide to teach the owners a deadly lesson. These Nazis will not hold themselves back if it means doing their “patriotic” duty.
I agree as well, though I fear that some shitstain will decide to teach the owners a deadly lesson. These Nazis will not hold themselves back if it means doing their “patriotic” duty.
I disabled everything related on this site, including their autoplay videos and sharing buttons. I don’t need any of that shit. I also don’t need those occasional gigantic ads at the top. Oh, and ever time I load a page without an ad blocker on, I see a flurry of third-party sites being named as they’re loaded onto…
We just need that dic pi— oh wait, we’re already seeing one.
Dude, this is pretty much me 100%. I have trouble meeting with friends in person for a number of reasons, so I’m mostly communicating online and it still makes me feel depressed.
The only way he can orgasm:
Guy behind Trump: (probably) “I can’t believe this is happening.”
STFU and take my money (and my stars).
So, how long until evil fucks with gobs of cash and/or ego-boosting compliments line up to give Trumpy lists of other evil fucks to release from jail? He enjoys anything that makes him feel like a dictator.
Why not just lock up more immigrants and arm all those teachers instead? Isn’t that what’s causing all this heat anyway? There’s no such thing as science, which is just liberal nonsense.
I’d go with something like “DeNeuro” to make it sound like he has no more brain cells, but I guess “neuro” is not worthy of his best words.
Fake News! Killery bleach bitted her emails! Let’s talk about that instead! MAGA!
I want to travel to Canada someday and I’ll be pissed as fuck if this piece of trash manbaby screws it up somehow for everyone. I await the day I can finally spend some time in another country feeling what it’s like not doing things in this fucking country.
At least he didn’t call him “Jerky Justin” or something. I’m getting scared of the departure of the old Trump who calls everyone he doesn’t like by some schoolyard bully name.
CVS wishes they could print receipts that long.
I hate this fucking dumbass. It’s so embarrassing having this idiot representing us around these serious world leaders. He still pretty much refuses to get a suit that fucking fits him. I wish this fuckery would end already.
I don’t think I even want to know what made him react like that.
Jeeves: “Don’t even THINK of asking me instead, dumbass.”
My last FB post on my Timeline was years ago. My life is way too boring to post anything decent nor do I share anything, so I would just be talking to myself. Nowadays, I just use it to chat in various groups. If I have images to post, I’ll use IG (and it’s set to private). If I feel like retweeting something I like,…