
I thought it was about Trump putting up his own Mount Rushmore.

Maple syrup is a helluva drug.

I’ll save you the trouble: something something Soros something something hit job something something sad. 

I hope this even barely remotely insinuates that he actually believes that Obama was born in Hawaii.

For the party who praises themselves on self responsibility, they sure love blaming all their problems on the left. It has to be physically painful being this damn hypocritical.

Jesus couldn’t take the wheel.

I think they just read the alt-right Cliffsnotes version of the Bible.

Trump is the biggest nut of all, though. He’d better get to burying!

Maybe he sexted a 16-year old.

Yeah, I’m not sure why Ann Coulter got in between them.

What, go inside and miss my chance to gain superpowers? Hell no! I wanna be able to look through clothing until the day the contamination kills me!

The same people who are pissing it on a particular book about voting Democrat, promoted by Donny, which is entirely blank. It’s even on Amazon, I shit you not.

I’m not sure which is smaller: the list of laws that the Trumps haven’t broken yet, or Obama’s policies that haven’t been overturned yet.

These PS4 owners and their short, pointless lives...

Thanks. I didn’t feel like eating breakfast anyway.

Harry was better off never meeting the Weedsleys.

I think he meant that just the people down there will be successful, while who the fuck knows what will happen with everyone else.