
It’s promising to play games from the Famicom. SNES. Genesis. PC Engine. TurboGrafx-16. Game Boy. Game Boy Advance. Game Boy Color. And even the Supergrafx.

nah, link fixed, thanks.

nah, link fixed, thanks.

If you’re a real man you wouldn’t care what people think of you based on some TV show you watch.

Couldn’t agree more. Unions are a necessity if the video-game development industry is to grow and thrive.

Hello, new nightmares.

It’s telling you your anaconda don’t want none....


Oh wow, you replaced the S symbol with a dollar sign. That’s cute, kiddo.


yea theyre called updates... waka waka waka
joking aside, idk. never had my ps4 brick.

Truth be told, that was the only part of the thing I was uncomfortable with. That said, I haven’t been without internet connection on my Xbox for more than 24 hours for... Let’s see... Never.

Of course, in this case, we’re talking about one corporation yelling at another corporation. So...

I’m not trying to be a dick but being 7k short in your final moments of fundraising means something. Whoever donated and pulled it as a major asshole and the dev team certainly didn’t deserve that to happen whatsoever, however, it’s a bit telling being 7k short of your goal in the final moments.

Same here, its like the little holder thing that is found on every white girls cup of coffee.

Hot pockets are too dangerous. I believe I read that the center temperature immediately after exiting a microwave is either absolute zero or the same as the Earth’s core.

Sounds like Yannick doesn’t know how to eat Hot Pockets if he thinks the sleeve is required to be off... They even have a perforation specifically so people can eat it right out of the sleeve.

The only thing that movement has in relation to a deadlift is that you’re raising something. Deadlifts make use of biceps and quadruceps in an aggressive vertical lift of an extremely heavy weighted barbell (ranging from a light 120lbs to as much as 350lbs) from a grounded position to the lifter’s waist.

I prefer the you’ve instantly exploded or turned into ice versions of space.

I look forward to the next generation of glitches :].

The first thing I thought when I heard this BS was “but... my beard is connected to the hair on my head and therefore the same and therefore women with long hair must be far worse culprits.”