
To be released six+ years from now

I completely understand. There are some women that I go to the gym with that can out lift me in almost everything. But in their mind the females who can do that are an exception not the rule.

Which standards are you talking about? Women in the Army have a lower number to meet the requirement in an apft test, a test for strength and endurance, compared to men. As an example 42 pushups for a 17-21 y.o. is considered max points in an apft test. However the same age bracket in males 42 is 60% and in some

Better not tell Marvel/Disney about my forearm tattoo then. I have Odin fighting Fenrir bringing on Ragnarok.

I can’t be the only one who uses a shop-vac for my regular vacuum. Can I?

I can’t be the only one who uses a shop-vac for my regular vacuum. Can I?

Tap X to go back to first person, then the player would go the floor they'd like to work on.

I wish they made the building mode as an over head view. It’s really hard to get things done in its current state.

Thanks for the input. Paper is over and I got 98/100 😃😃

Different enough is only 30% different. Had a friend who took some sort of reverse engineer class tell me that.

I accept these terms and conditions.

From SE Minnesota no. And thank god.

Is that what I said....nope never said chimps and dogs are on the same intelligence level or the same biological level. What I said was that using chimps or dogs to test a drug that may or may not work on them or people is cruel and unsual.

No it is. I feel the same about the dogs researchers test on as well.

Cruel and unusual. The whole ‘let’s give prisoner X ebola and treat it with a drug that may or may not work’ kind of falls under that.


Are we going to address the fact the police got out a peice of rope instead of handcuff/zip ties.

That username with the post so great.

Happy Birthday
