
Not blocked, but ‘out of service’. Essentially these people have cellphone numbers changed on the regular to weed people out they no longer need or want to talk to. She’s no longer in the ‘in crowd’. (Nor was Kendall, for that matter.)

Nate called Shiv earlier in the episode.

Didn’t they show Shiv talking to Nate just earlier in the episode? And didn’t she invite Nate to the party she and Tom had last week? I don’t see any reason to believe he blocked her number personally. Especially given her response when Ken went to go call him - it was clear she was about to get caught in a lie from

It’s inference, but the assumption is she dialed a random number that was not in service [you could hear the canned network message ‘your call cannot be completed as dialed]. First, I don’t think that message comes up for ‘blocked’ numbers, and second, Kendall calls Nate immediately thereafter, and it would be

If your audio was turned down you would have missed it, but you can hear the automated messaging telling her to dial out.

I don’t even think Roman is really ideologically aligned with Mencken and his fascism.”

I don’t see that there’s any meaningful difference between a fascist and one who isn’t ideologically aligned with the fascists but works with them and makes their takeover possible.  Much as Roman says it doesn’t matter who the

That was a traumatizing episode that brought back shades of 2016 and 2000 all in one. Agh. It also made me desperately eager for next week’s episode. Bravo to the writers!

It’s really amazing how they started the season with him as the most sympathetic character and within two eps turned him into the villain of the entire series. Logan was like a tiger- he just did what tigers do. Roman is now just willfully malicious. And on any other show, it wouldn’t seem like an earned character

It was a lot like when Stewy told Kendall that “its just words, it doesnt mean anything.” the egg definitely knows how to play the gane

I was just about to say this. ATN doesn’t actually control the election count, and they calling it early by mistake, before it’s revealed that Jimenez actually won, can set up the end of Waystar Royco and the end of the kids controlling the company. The share prices plummet and Mattson buys the whole thing for much

They managed to turn Roman from one of my favorite characters to my most hated. This isn’t a dig on the show. I’m just unhappy I fell for the trap of them humanizing him. 

Maybe this is just copium on my part, but I don’t actually think ATN calling it for Mencken will actually make him win. Part of the Roys’ whole journey is them learning that they are not, in fact, their father: they have immense power, of course, but they cannot bend the entire world to their whim just by saying so. I

Just how tiny is your dick?

But then how would they stretch it out for fifteen seasons??

Im much more interested in their past than the present. I wish theyd just stay there.

sam is really gonna have a tough go this season. she is going to see all the blooming love and relationships around her and feel those she is close to are pulling away/abandoning her. then she turns to her family and has been scorned by her mother, abandoned by her father (physically, they still text and talk, but he’s

What the fuck does this mean

The “everything I do is for my kids” line Kendall feeds Rava is cribbed straight from what Logan says during the family therapy session in Austerlitz. Kendall knew it was bullshit coming from his father, yet he still wants Rava to buy it coming from him.

Even though she eventually does lock back in and deliver the Misty’s self-interested anxieties stop her from actually doing more good than harm, baby, as has become characteristic of her benevolence.

I really liked how they used the scene of Sam cleaning the barn to let Bridget Everett mourn Mike Hagerty while keeping his character alive.