
Once again this show excels at making some pretty despicable people be fascinating to watch. But Roman is the one most intriguing this season. He can’t summon the same appetite in destroying his Dad as Kendall and Shiv. Conjointly he knows what his father is capable of doing and has been on the short end of his

Jedi gained a huge power boost in the Expanded Universe, though. Same way Superman used to be a guy who leapt tall buildings and ran faster than a train, but writers ran out of ideas on how to use his limited power set, so they just kept making up new powers until he could fly, lift apartment buildings, run faster

Mandalorians should be able to hold their own against Jedi, they should be out in the galaxy wrecking shit—not hiding in a cave by Turtle Lake.

I would agree that the character of Shiv was retooled after the pilot, but I also feel the writers did the work to establish why the Shiv they settled on felt the need to marry a Tom. And it was brilliantly summed up with Logan’s line about “You’re marrying a man fathoms beneath you because you don’t want to risk

Lol, the kid is shooting one training dart at a time, so you just assume those are the rules to this little duel. Then Grogu pops him with 3 rapid fire shots, and I’m left asking “Why didn’t dude light up baby Yoda while he was just standing there, looking like the puppet he is?!”

Why do that when you can just fire indiscriminately into the water? Tune in next week to see them firing indiscriminately into the air, only for one to be eaten by a tremors worm from beneath the dirt.

Ok, so it turns out the solution to this jet-pack fuel problem was to chase the raptor down with a ship, which raises the question: There’s not a single ship among them? How did all these bozos get to this planet in the first place? How do they intend to leave? The planet looks pretty arid, so they aren’t farming, so

It’s referenced rather than actually thrown out as an insult, but Tom saying “he once called me the Cunt of Monte Cristo” about Logan  is tops on my list.

It makes sense the Mandalorians would live on a dangerous planet where they have to keep their skills sharp and overcome challenges. But it makes no sense for them to be completely unprepared for the dangers of the planet. At least put up some guard towers or radars that can detect incoming monsters

I enjoyed the one dude who just saw his son snatched saying something along the lines of “this happens everytime” when their jetpacks run out of fuel and they were unable to keep pursuit. Between this and almost getting eaten by a giant crocodile dinosaur, I’d be starting to question if this group actually does know

Yeah, I thought the “fight” scene was the low point of the show so far, and definitely of Grogu’s scenes. You can just feel the story machinations of “How do we work around the fact that he’s a one-foot tall puppet?” The leaping was silly, and not the intended effect of “Wow, Grogu sure is talented!” How many more

Man the less time we spend with the Mandalorians as a group the better, frankly. They seem to have no interests beyond stating the obvious or repeating proverbs. Like would it kill the showrunners to show any of these people talk about food or the weather or something? They’re always just like “I will train by

No shit. She’s the most caustic out of all of them.  Her disdain for anyone and everyone is palpable.

“I don’t mean to be insulting, but, having been around a bit... My hunch is that you’re going to get fucked. Because I’ve seen you get fucked, a lot. And I’ve never seen Logan get fucked once.”

I think that if she were more prominent a character, you could make this list entirely out of Caroline quotes.

A military force gets built up to defeat a terrible fascist enemy, and the very second it becomes convenient, they became just as evil as the villains they won a war against.

And now we know what Andor would be like if it were made by the same people who did Book of Boba Fett

I think its good and even necessary for the longevity of massive universes like Star Wars to have different flavors and approaches, but this one definitely felt like Favreau got a look at Andor and thought they were stealing his lunch a little

Maybe one of the levels is for all of the prisoners who have had their sentences extended. So when you show up there and tell everyone “Guess what, my sentence ended but they just gave me a new sentence and moved me to this level” everyone therewill tell you “Yeah, that’s what happened to *all* of us here.”

I’m not reading anything until I catch up, but I gotta sing the praises of this show. Finally a Star Wars story that is not based on nostalgia, that justifies itself by itself as opposed to in reference to something else, is specifically for grown ups (not that older kids can’t get it but, you know, not marketed to