Faced with the same problem, my wife and i bought a house.
Faced with the same problem, my wife and i bought a house.
Gratz on using typeface when most would incorrectly say "font".
The title does not match the article. Anything is the wrong word there. It's about the best time to buy particular things... pretty much the opposite of anything.
Stop adding pre- to verbs. Things aren't pre-packaged, they are either not yet packaged, or they are packaged. If it is in a package... it is packaged.
Ones? More than one one would be 'several' or 'some'. One is the definition of singular.
You don't need separate addresses to make each unique to a site. If you have GMail based account you can add a tag to the user name like this: UserName+BankName@YourDomain.tld.
If you can't escape it, it is reality. We could be in a sim running in a sim. Doesn't matter. This is reality.
Yes, but do they taste good with barbecue sauce?
Not negotiating your salary and not asking for raises also contributes to women having lower salaries.
As a rule, most food is dead when you eat it, and therefore NOT healthy.
Sometimes the Oxford comma is WRONG.
Can we make the name tag colors more distinct? i have a slight red/green color blindness like most dudes.
Too bad my computer has no apps to launch.
ALL email addresses are unique.
Complete sentences?
Perfection is Achieved When There Is Nothing Left to Take Away or Add.
Should be: Are you holding your weights incorrectly? Article headline fails.