Which is why this time, we fight back.
Which is why this time, we fight back.
Aaaaand this is why the US will never go anywhere. Also “Klinsmann was also removed from his role as technical director.”
Eh, a text is always better than nothing. I’ve been ghosted by close friends who I talked to every day for years. I’d have taken a text over that.
One of my closest friends of 7 years ghosted me one day. We talked almost every day and then... nothing. This was after 2 other friends left me (that was understandable and unrelated; one was my exes best friend and the other was dating her).
His player development strategy is “pray some talent falls in my lap.”
Skilled at man management if you hand him the most talent in a retirement league. His idea of player development is “wait for them to fall into my lap.” Whatever progress made by Klinsmann in development will be immediately undone by Arena and we’ll regress ten years.
He’s not Jurgen. His way worse.
I would take this shitty in game managing for his player development skills. Given the choice between having him as the coach +TD or nothing, I’d take the former. Ideally he’d stay on as the TD but I don’t think he wants to.
Don’t thank obvious antisemites.
I think the fact that her last wishes were respected are some measure of comfort. And who knows, maybe she’s right and in 200 years she’ll wake up and get to live a happy, full life in an awesome future!
Fuck, looks like someone ate too much bloomed chocolate...
Yeah, the left doesn’t want to admit their culpability in all this, but vehemently defending extremely anti-Israel movements (and obviously antisemitic ones, like say EI) opens the floodgates to antisemitism. You can’t normalize attacks and double standards on the only majority Jewish state in the world and expect…
My staunch Republican grandfather (who fled the Nazis) and father drew the line at Trump the second he threw his hat into the ring due to his racism and facistic notions. It’s actually pretty horrifying for him though, because he was born and lived in Germany for several years in the 30s and him and especially his…
Kinda buried the lede, considering that the head of the ADL (Jonathan Greenblatt) pledged to register as a Muslim if the database was implemented at this speech.
Yup, we should. Fuck all of em, and fuck the fucking Judenrat ZOA.
Nah, they’re not Kapos.
“Every single Trump support I personally know is Jewish....” Gonna guess you don’t speak to many non Jews, do you? It’s fine; I didn’t really either until I was in my early 20s. And I also know several Jewish Trump supporters. In my circles we call them “Judenrats” and don’t feel even a little bad about it.
I want to picket the RJC convention with a sign that says “Republican Judenrat Commission.”
We’re all going to hell