
Isn't it just terrible when customers would like to get what they want?

I am fully allowing my opinion to change once SE releases more information about it. No problem there, to be honest; but as it stands now?


My bad for not including Lightning—I keep forgetting about her since I've never played her games. Thank you for the correction. My argument, though, speaks to both the majority of games and FF itself—while Japan, yes, is a homogeneous culture, that shouldn't excuse it from writing stories that have a fair amount of

The minimal amount of footage we have has shown that the female characters involved in the main portions of the plot are stereotypes and look to be non-characters in the grand scheme of the story. That's what I'm complaining about (mostly)

I'm not saying it's soley on Square's shoulders, but to say that a male-led cast saving the world is a "rare" exception within video-games is ludicrous. Nearly all video-games are populated with straight dudes (most of them white) saving the day, and Square is no exception to this rule. When I say mover and shakers,

Let me break t his down:

I'm not calling it the end of the world, I'm calling it lazy writing and a step backwards from the wonderful track record that SE has with representation and FF as a series on the whole.

I don't talk to people who say wanting representation in their media is bullshit, sorry not sorry.

It's unfair in the sense that the creators...have literal carte blanche to do whatever they want. They can make Noctis a forty-foot tall naked cannibal hellbent on getting his kingdom back by uniting warring tribes of Cactuar, they can make said kingdom deal in ice cream cones as weaponry and have an entire army made

"Enough representation."

It's rather telling of a person when they refer to someone wanting to see diverse characters and writing in their media as a "diversity quota" instead of realizing and questioning the inherent misogyny in creating a game where every female character shown thus far is either someone needing to be saved of a stereotype.

News flash he isn't wrong and anybody that has half a brain knows he was exaggerating a little. It still doesn't change the fact that a good 90% plus character are male. secondly, creating your own character is not a replacement for the lack of female and PoC character because usually the trade off of creating your

See, I would be fine with XV had it remained connected and a side story of the whole 13 compilation that it originally was set to be back when it was Final Fantasy vs 13. Then the all male cast would be exactly the same as FFX-2. But with the changes and it becoming one of the main stream numbered titles, I find it

Yeah. I was cool with female Cid, but what she's wearing is just nonsense for someone working with grease and metal.

Mechanics cover up for a reason. This outfit looks terrible.

Hate to break it to you, but games are not stand-alone art you put into a gallery. If you want to SELL something you should take some care of your potential customers. If you want to express your vision, you have to accept that it might not make money or not as much as you'd like.

Zipping up doesn't get rid of the mile high midriff or the denim booty shorts. Sexism aside, those just look uncomfortable.

She was almost cosplayable... that hair/goggles/cap combination is awesome. Oh well, I'm sure some other people will enjoy cosplaying as her though.

Newsflash: 99% of all games everywhere cater to exactly what you're talking about. Throw a dart at a game in gamestop and most likely the entire playable cast will be dudes.