
From what it sounds like MS backed these guys and saw the potential from the start ,maybe Sony wasn't giving them enough support or reason to be on both consoles.

u r FUNNY! cats are meant to be fucked with! they like it, it's what they do and i will assist them.

Actually Spider Woman has nothing to do with the Spider-Man properties and is more tightly linked with the Avenger. The cool Spider Woman that is, Jessica Drew, they can have the others.

I got into an argument with someone who was saying that the heels were okay because the original WW had heels so they were just keeping true to the comic... to which I said "...sorry, they kept the heels to be accurate but changed the entire rest of the bloody costume?"

This picture accurately encapsulates the moment in my childhood when I realized I was so.fracking.gay.

I think there should be a term for omitting characters. It should be called "Coldhanded". Like "Man, Lady Stoneheart got coldhanded" or "Wow, they coldhanded Arianne?"

Based on the fact that strangers wouldn't be able to tell if she was a waitress or a homemaker, yes.

You're trying to tell us that complete strangers in city you've ever been to have specifically told you that you were setting back the women's movement by wearing skirts and working as a waitress...

As a feminist I can tell you that I do not care what career you choose. My sister is a waitress, my other sister is a stay at home mother, and I am a nurse. These are all traditionally female roles, and yet we are all feminists because the definition of feminism means believing that men and women deserve equal rights

I want this to happen, so so much. Please, make it happen. Do it for Galadriel!

I'm calling bullshit on feminists yelling at you in the street everyday for wearing skirts.

Oh! I'll be traveling through Alberta in the next couple of weeks, and would love to brunch at a neato retro diner! Will you be more specific?! I've worked as a waitress, own skirts, and have (begrudgingly, admittedly,) done laundry. So, it'd be quite refreshing to get called out for "setting back the women's

We live in a world which is slowly crawling its way up from treating non-males as cattle, non-whites as savages, and non-heterosexuals as criminals.

Cool story, bro. Especially the part about why your friend is a "feminist" and a "lesbian."

Wait, wait, wait. Feminist strangers yell at you daily? Where do you live?!

Is there nothing better for you to do besides whining about other people being homosexual?

Showing pride in yourself regardless of sexual orientation =/= bragging about being homosexual

you obviously don't play final fantasy XIV :)

Was there a Westboro counter protest at the local Choco-fil-A?