I caught the joke, and I just want you to know I appreciate what you're doing.
I caught the joke, and I just want you to know I appreciate what you're doing.
D-deficated? You're doing WHAT to these monsters?!
You have an amazing power to summon misogynist asswipes to your articles, and what's even more amazing/ironic/poignant is that they're screaming "sexism is dead, you bimbo sandwich machine!"
The only bad thing about erotic cosplay is that usually, you're shucking off the costume that makes your character discernable.
Are you saying women cosplaying in skimpy costumes have shitty personalities?
AC3 liberation was also a Vita exclusive for 15 months, so that's not a fair comparison.
You win all of my Schrute bucks and Stanley nickels for this post.
Yeah I realized my error just now. even numbered patches are coil, odd are CT, that's a good rule of thumb.
We're on 2.3, which means Rogue and Ninja are coming very soon!
*reads about "regurge" lady*
I play keyboard and mouse, and have more classes at 50 than not... But I've been contemplating a move to controller for the more dodging intensive fights. I'm the dragoon who gets wrecked by Titan plumes because I started running the wrong way and tried to correct myself- too late, of course.
Magic Johnson, legendary assist man on and off the court.
I tapped out after daffy duck rimjob...
Reason #4048 that my team is better than the fucking Cardinals...
10/10 would rhyme again
This dude is a (presumable) millionaire, with an athletes body. WHY DOES HE HAVE TO RAPE PEOPLE?! Is it really that fucking hard for NFL players to pick up women?
This is the farthest Rice has carried a pile in years.
I didn't know being trapped in one room for an entire day was "fun". Democracy is a necessary evil.
Dude, I'm confident plenty of straight dudes are checking out packages in the locker room.