Assigned Cop at Birth.
Assigned Cop at Birth.
It’s not an investment. It’s gambling. Gambling is a form of entertainment.
When the jackpot gets big enough to be in the news, I buy tickets. For me, it’s worth a few bucks to have the chance to win, and to dream about what you’d do with the winnings. Dreaming about $1000 isn’t worth a dollar to me. I don’t dream…
This is the worst application for an editor position I’ve ever seen!
My friend the tagline for the site is literally “Sex. Celebrity. Politics.” If you’re looking for only serious coverage of serious issues you have come to the wrong place.
As someone who has never owned a dog, I can honestly say this question never crossed my mind. The reasons why you shouldn’t make sense, but at the same time, I feel like we as a culture are way too precious about death (or at least about cemeteries as a “final resting place” or whatever). If you keep your dog on the…
I don’t understand why customization is so important to some people. I kind of hate it sometimes. Halo Infinite looks like a goddamn carnival
That is a truly bizarre hill to die on.
I would like to posit a question, mostly because it fascinates me. If No Man’s Sky had delivered what was promised on Day 1 (albiet delayed), would it have become the success story it is today? Or does a large amount of charm come from the fact that it came out absolutely panned but was saved by a dedicated dev team?…
Oooh, edgy.
It’s so funny. Yeah, you do need introspection, self doubt, and self deprecation for humor. Three things conservatives are famous for.
Musk not giving people credit for anything he shows off is exactly the reason why his army of Weird Nerds think that he singlehandedly invented Rockets, Space Travel, Electric Cars, and the entire concept of Engineering.
Nice try at smearing someone who describes out a well-known police tactic. Are you a cop, or are you just one of those people who says, “If you’re innocent, you have nothing to hide?”
Hi Seth!
In what world is George Conway “left-leaning” as opposed to just anti-authoritarian?
“Trump’s favorite daughter stepped in to save Conway’s marriage with her liberal-leaning, husband, George.”
Capitalist society is hellscape enough for us adults, with every little damn facet of daily existence carrying a price. The commenters arguing that kids can (and should) be expected to learn about debt the hard way lack empathy and understanding that kids lack the developmental capacity to “buyer beware.”
It isn’t a difficult job. Not the people who pull you over to give you a ticket. I’ve known lots of cops. I grew up around them. They’re just people. Some of them are dumb as posts and still manage to do the job. Stop fetishizing them as heroes.
Cops are awful. The reason they’ve lost the public’s respect is entirely because of their abhorrent behavior.
Years ago, I had a friend apply for a small-town police job and I was called for a reference. I rattled on about how he was the smartest guy in our college class and I enjoyed talking politics with him. The…
Let me pull your bootlicking ass out of the greys for a tick...
“Policing is a difficult, dangerous job”