
I had to read the article several times to understand the headline. Very confusing.

I feel like the part of this article that addresses what’s in the actual title, Emma Stone saying he’s a liar, is.... missing.

Saw once, active police car in the suburbs.

I’ve seen cops wearing punisher velcro patches on their special forces cosplay gear. seen a disturbing number of cops with punisher logos on their POVs.

If there’s a venn diagram for angry eyed Jeep owners and racists, it’d be a circle.

the thin blue line is explicitly racist from its origin.  all uses of it are just extensions of that racist intent.

This rules and I suggest solidarity from other team-based games.

Carpenter is awesome, and he's right about infinite. If you're in to comics check out Year of the Villian: Joker one shot by John Carpenter, it's a treat.

My experience with Apple accessories is they break at least as often as the generic stuff, frequently more often. After a few years (sometimes months!) of heavy use, they tend to fray at the strain relief point which has been shrunk for aesthetics. There are better made cables out there that are more durable.

Also, few kills funnier or more satisfying than a from-the-grave with a disruptor

I predict she’s gonna be Rihanna-rich before the end of the decade. Regardless of your opinion of her, girl knows how to work with money. 

I think you mean best boss fight. Deliberately hokey character in dumb mecha gear while The Weapon has a go at you about how even they have more friends than Chief.

“little worm”

“deserve whatever vitriol that comes their way”

This is exactly the kind of toxicity that people are talking about. The lack of self-awareness is astounding.

The game absolutely has problems and their decision to call things “legacy features” is confounding, but to say that they deserve what they get from

It really does. The events are at some points confusing, but it’s clear what they were at least.

Maybe we didn’t play the same game because by the time I finished the campaign I had a pretty clear picture of what happened. 

I love this Wardle guy's attitude towards his game

Warning: Rampant speculation

Is it the worst though? I fucking love it. I now mainly play SWAT/Tactical Slayer, but Fiesta is a mindless bit of fun, especially with friends after a few beers. I wish all challenges involved having to play Fiesta...

Bro, that’s just not true. Your perception of how much cheating there is, is absolutely into the realms of wild paranoia.

Good grief you only seem to comment to say how much you hate the site.