
If the election could be stolen by a few dozen guys in track suits posting memes and running obviously fake twitter accounts, the candidate was weak as hell to begin with. 

Well he wasn’t excited about her (because she sucks), but once she was the nominee and it looked like people were going to stay home instead of voting for her, he put out a movie urging people to get out and vote for her. He did the exact thing that everyone wanted Bernie supporters to do and he’s still getting shit

Source on him not voting for Clinton in 2016? He supported Bernie but he rallied hard for Clinton once she was the nominee, he even made a doc about it. 

It’s the sheer shitty excess of it all. Put aside whether anyone needs a house this big (they don’t), it’s built like shit, it’s terrible for the environment, and it will likely be destroyed within the next 30 years to be replaced by some equally shitty disaster with a slightly different floor plan so some rich

It’s a bullshit term that marketers came up with that stuck. 

You should probably watch it rather than form a half-baked opinion based on articles you skimmed. 

I feel like everyone gives her a pass on this for some reason but you’re absolutely right.

Please for the love of god can you take this off the front page?  It’s been there for 2 goddamn months.

Wow, it’s almost as if that advice doesn’t really apply to you, but could very well apply to any of the other thousands of people who might listen to it.

I always assumed it was a holdover from the flight sim/flight combat golden age of the early-mid 90s.  When you were playing with an actual joystick it made sense that pull back = go up, but I agree it doesn’t make much sense on a controller anymore.

The headline doesn’t imply that Netflix said that. It says that Netflix says that they (Netflix) had nothing to do with whatever happened and if it did happen, it was Old Navy’s decision.

You seem to have a lot of very strong opinons on what other people’s kids should and shouldn’t have.

Jesus christ relax

I’ve never used either, but doesn’t Grindr have a feature that actively alerts you to users nearby?  If so, that’s a potential big security risk for a child.

My dude you need to take a look at your definition of hate. Not eating at Chick-fil-A because you don’t agree with their stance on certain issues is decidedly not hate. 

Hey cool one of those hot takes they were talking about.

If you’re getting beaten by someone who is playing in their spare time while their kids are napping, you should think about possibly gitting gud.

Please tell me this is a precursor blog to the return of I of the Tiger.

“things killing more people on average” could also be used to describe mass shootings in America compared to other countries.