
“And don’t for a second try to say that nobody was complaining. We were. Loudly. Consistently.”

And don’t for a second try to say that nobody was complaining. We were. Loudly. Consistently.

Here is me stirring the pot. Why? Because I’m honestly wanting to see the responses.

When did I say I opposed immigrants from the 7 failed states? I just said a 90 moratorium until they can figure out a way to vet them doesn’t seem unreasonable. Evidently that is too you.

Serious question. Are there any level-headed people out there anymore? I didn’t vote for Trump and there is little of his agenda I support, but the fact that people think he wishes to create a police state is frankly insane. I don’t support the “Muslim Ban” but I understand the reasoning behind it. 7 failed nation

I see 2 things, a slightly overzealous cop, and a family who doesn’t respect authority. Imo there’s blame to go around, but in the black community nothing is ever their fault.

Actually wasn’t that taken during the prayer? Trump of course doesn’t really believe in any of that so his eyes are still open. But she at least pretends well whether she has any real faith or not.

We might all love her, but Michelle’s dress is a miss.

Yeeeaaahhh... it’s definitely the Republicans that riot and burn shit down whenever a court decision or election doesn’t go the way they wanted.

Ah the old tradition of communists using children for propaganda. The parents of this chubby little bastard are complete scum.

The kid started a fire in a protest. Nothing noble about that at all. I’m sorry, what the hell, you all need help. I don’t care WHAT you think of Trump. Don’t care if it was actually Hitler up there, you don’t fight evil by random destruction and chaos. That’s beyond stupid. What the hell? This world has gone crazy.

If this was a kid doing this at Obama’s inauguration you would calling for his parents to be locked up for the rest of their lives. Don’t you find it worrisome that a kid this age is setting fires and protesting like this? Kids are taught this kind of stuff? Have a friend who got her 5 and 7 year old so worked up

Thank you! Trump is fucked but how is this kid starting a fire over Trump any better than some Obama birther.

$20 says his parents are insufferable

That kid has horrendously bad parents.

Yous need to get you an office across town.

The mighty cuyahoga. It’s full of bugs n poop!

An airplane is not your safe space.

That’s not what he’s saying though — it’s possible both that she opened herself to some form of self defense by Mixon and that he crossed that line. Why does everything have to be so black and white? Both parties are in the wrong here.

Listen, the man had every right to defend himself to get her away from him. She laid her hands on him twice, both times aggressively. Argue all you want about the merits of laying your hands on a woman and what not, but he was within his rights to act. Probably shouldn’t have tried quite so hard to completely