
So are you voting for Giant Douche or Turd Sandwich?

Zero - Because when some nut job comes up on you from behind, yells at you while shoving you in the face (even with a pie) - you are allowed to fight back against that assault

Wait... you’re arguing with him because he agreed with you? Or because he didn’t agree strongly enough or what?

It looked like shit in the ‘80s, and nothing’s changed there. It still looks like shit and fools nobody.

That first Von Miller hit was the kind that makes you think “Peyton would have gotten that call 100% of the time.”

But women never lie about domestic violence! We’re supposed to just assume the man did it, condemn him in social media, and ruin his life because the woman said he did it! Fuck due process and waiting for evidence to come out before we pass any personal judgments! He’s an NFL player, and it’s just easier for me to

How can you be allergic to tacos? Thats ridiculous. Nobody can be allergic to tacos.

For values of ‘usual’ that mean ‘one time seven years ago’, sure, that’s what Meyer usually does.

News flash: Not all of us live in the city. Not all jobs are based in the city. If your grandma has a car she can’t drive, offers you its use, and it makes your life easier, you effing take her up on it. That is not an example of a bad decision.

I rarely defend my hometown, but there is no Skyline chili in Toledo.

Opinion from brazilian football fan:
Neymar has been on the spotlight since he’s been like, 15 years old.
Coming from Santos’ youth program, he’s always been an unfair criticism lightning rod for either playing well and embarrassing his opponents, or taking advantage of the physical game teams play against him trying to

Right!? Lochte and crew were dumb drunk douche bags who embodied the ugly American abroad stereotype... But when you start demanding compensation for minor damages at gun point, you’ve kind of lost the moral high ground. I’d be curious to see how the commentariat around here would react if a white Texan gas station

Man, now you got me all fucked up thinking about that documentary, “Dear Zachary”

Talk about niche demographic

Everybody in every era thought that what they knew, what they invented, what they have educated themselves with in their era is superior and more advanced than those silly people from previous generations and previous eras. The current crop of humanity is as ego-centric as any of the previous, if not more. Do you

I used to eat a 90 pack of Totino’s Pizza Rolls (pepperoni or fuck you) in about 2-3 days. I still do, but I used to, too.

Haisley didn’t make a stupid joke about Higuain’s brother and how much the MLS sucks shows he is in pure mid July form. If he’s not trolling then we are left with an article that is just a terrible take on the awful Gonzalo transfer fee.

I love native New Yorkers. But you leave off just how insufferable the transplants are with their hostage eyes about how much they love it.

All the eye rolls to this sentence, “In their attempts to make themselves feel better about not wanting to hack it here...”
